Java IVR API | Simple Gateway API

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  1. callIvr
  2. callStatus
  3. Source Code

Call IVR

Synopsis - callIvr

callIvr(String phoneno, String appname, String selfdelete, String callerid, String detection)

Description - callIvr


Make a phone call to the specified number and use the IVr application to interact and control the phone call.

phoneno The phone number to call.
appname The name of the deployed IVR application.
selfdelete Ask the gateway to automatically delete the call request after the call is made if it is set to '1';
callerid The 11 digit caller ID number.
detection The amount of detection for our system to recognize human answer. 0= balanced, 1= more aggressive, 2= most aggressive, 3= detection off.
reqId The return value is the call request ID.

Example - callIvr

                        callIvr("123-4567", "reminderApp", 1, "12345678911", 1);

Call Status Responses

Synopsis - callStatus

callStatus(String reqId, HashMap responses)

Description - callStatus


Check the call status and responses of the call with reqId. The second parameter is a reference to an array and is used to collect responses. So if you have an element named AttendMeeting, the response can be accessed as responses["AttendMeeting"]. Please note that you can have multiple IVR elements that collect responses.

<reqId> The reqId.
<responses> Reference to an array and is used to collect responses.

Example - callStatus

                        String status = callStatus("1234035434", responses);
                        if (responses.get("AttendMeeting").equals("1")) { ... };

Source Code



                        public class Voicent
                        * Constructor with default localhost:8155
                        public Voicent()
                        host_ = "localhost";
                        port_ = 8155;

                        * Constructor with Voicent gateway hostname and port.
                        * @param host Voicent gateway host machine
                        * @param port Voicent gateway port number
                        public Voicent(String host, int port)
                        host_ = host;
                        port_ = port;

                        * Make a call to the number specified and play the text message
                        * using text-to-speech engine.
                        * @param phoneno Phone number to call, exactly as it should be dialed
                        * @param text Text to play over the phone using text-to-speech
                        * @param selfdelete After the call, delete the call request automatically if set to 1
                        * @return Call request ID
                        public String callText(String phoneno, String text, boolean selfdelete)
                        // call request url
                        String urlstr = "/ocall/callreqHandler.jsp";

                        // setting the http post string
                        String poststr = "info=";
                        poststr += URLEncoder.encode("Simple Text Call " + phoneno);

                        poststr += "&phoneno=";
                        poststr += phoneno;

                        poststr += "&firstocc=10";

                        poststr += "&selfdelete=";
                        poststr += (selfdelete ? "1" : "0");

                        poststr += "&txt=";
                        poststr += URLEncoder.encode(text);

                        // Send Call Request
                        String rcstr = postToGateway(urlstr, poststr);

                        return getReqId(rcstr);
                        }   /**
                        * Make a call to the number specified and use the IVR app for call control
                        * @param phoneno Phone number to call, exactly as it should be dialed
                        * @param appname deployed IVR application name on Voicent Gateway
                        * @param selfdelete After the call, delete the call request automatically if set to 1
                        * @return Call request ID
                        public String callIvr(String phoneno, String appname, boolean selfdelete)
                        // call request url
                        String urlstr = "/ocall/callreqHandler.jsp";

                        // setting the http post string
                        String poststr = "info=";
                        poststr += URLEncoder.encode("Simple Text Call " + phoneno);

                        poststr += "&phoneno=";
                        poststr += phoneno;

                        poststr += "&firstocc=10";

                        poststr += "&selfdelete=";
                        poststr += (selfdelete ? "1" : "0");

                        poststr += "&startapp=";
                        poststr += URLEncoder.encode(appname);

                        // Send Call Request
                        String rcstr = postToGateway(urlstr, poststr);

                        return getReqId(rcstr);

                        * Make a call to the number specified and play the audio file. The
                        * audio file should be of PCM 8KHz, 16bit, mono.
                        * @param phoneno Phone number to call, exactly as it should be dialed
                        * @param audiofile Audio file path name
                        * @param selfdelete After the call, delete the call request automatically if set to 1
                        * @return Call request ID
                        public String callAudio(String phoneno, String audiofile, boolean selfdelete)
                        // call request url
                        String urlstr = "/ocall/callreqHandler.jsp";

                        // setting the http post string
                        String poststr = "info=";
                        poststr += URLEncoder.encode("Simple Audio Call " + phoneno);

                        poststr += "&phoneno=";
                        poststr += phoneno;

                        poststr += "&firstocc=10";

                        poststr += "&selfdelete=";
                        poststr += (selfdelete ? "1" : "0");

                        poststr += "&audiofile=";
                        poststr += URLEncoder.encode(audiofile);

                        // Send Call Request
                        String rcstr = postToGateway(urlstr, poststr);

                        return getReqId(rcstr);

                        * Get call status of the call with the reqID.
                        * @param reqID Call request ID on the gateway
                        * @return call status
                        public String callStatus(String reqID)
                        // call status url
                        String urlstr = "/ocall/callstatusHandler.jsp";

                        // setting the http post string
                        String poststr = "reqid=";
                        poststr += URLEncoder.encode(reqID);

                        // Send Call Request
                        String rcstr = postToGateway(urlstr, poststr);

                        return getCallStatus(rcstr);
                        }   /**
                        * Get call status of the call with the reqID.
                        * @param reqID Call request ID on the gateway
                        * @param responses Touch tone responses name-value pair, name is IVR element name
                        * @return call status
                        public String callStatus(String reqID, HashMap responses)
                        // call status url
                        String urlstr = "/ocall/callstatusHandler.jsp";

                        // setting the http post string
                        String poststr = "reqid=";
                        poststr += URLEncoder.encode(reqID);

                        // Send Call Request
                        String rcstr = postToGateway(urlstr, poststr);

                        return getCallStatus(rcstr, responses);

                        * Remove all request from the gateway
                        * @param reqID Call request ID on the gateway
                        * @return call status
                        public void callRemove(String reqID)
                        // call status url
                        String urlstr = "/ocall/callremoveHandler.jsp";

                        // setting the http post string
                        String poststr = "reqid=";
                        poststr += URLEncoder.encode(reqID);

                        // Send Call remove post
                        postToGateway(urlstr, poststr);

                        * Invoke BroadcastByPhone and start the call-till-confirm process
                        * @param vcastexe Executable file vcast.exe, BroadcastByPhone path name
                        * @param vocfile BroadcastByPhone call list file
                        * @param wavfile Audio file used for the broadcast
                        * @param ccode Confirmation code
                        public void callTillConfirm(String vcastexe, String vocfile, String wavfile, String ccode)
                        // call request url
                        String urlstr = "/ocall/callreqHandler.jsp";

                        // setting the http post string
                        String poststr = "info=";
                        poststr += URLEncoder.encode("Simple Call till Confirm");

                        poststr += "&phoneno=1111111"; // any number

                        poststr += "&firstocc=10";
                        poststr += "&selfdelete=0";

                        poststr += "&startexec=";
                        poststr += URLEncoder.encode(vcastexe);

                        String cmdline = "\"";
                        cmdline += vocfile;
                        cmdline += "\"";
                        cmdline += " -startnow";
                        cmdline += " -confirmcode ";
                        cmdline += ccode;
                        cmdline += " -wavfile ";
                        cmdline += "\"";
                        cmdline += wavfile;
                        cmdline += "\"";

                        // add -cleanstatus if necessary

                        poststr += "&cmdline=";
                        poststr += URLEncoder.encode(cmdline);

                        // Send like a Call Request
                        postToGateway(urlstr, poststr);

                        private String postToGateway(String urlstr, String poststr)
                        try {
                        URL url = new URL("http", host_, port_, urlstr);
                        HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();


                        PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(conn.getOutputStream());

                        InputStream in = conn.getInputStream();

                        StringBuffer rcstr = new StringBuffer();
                        byte[] b = new byte[4096];
                        int len;
                        while ((len = != -1)
                        rcstr.append(new String(b, 0, len));
                        return rcstr.toString();
                        catch (Exception e) {
                        return "";

                        private String getReqId(String rcstr)
                        int index1 = rcstr.indexOf("[ReqId=");
                        if (index1 == -1)
                        return "";
                        index1 += 7;

                        int index2 = rcstr.indexOf("]", index1);
                        if (index2 == -1)
                        return "";

                        return rcstr.substring(index1, index2);

                        private String getCallStatus(String rcstr)
                        if (rcstr.indexOf("^made^") != -1)
                        return "Call Made";

                        if (rcstr.indexOf("^failed^") != -1)
                        return "Call Failed";

                        if (rcstr.indexOf("^retry^") != -1)
                        return "Call Will Retry";

                        return "";
                        }   private String getCallStatus(String rcstr, HashMap responses)

                        int startIndex = 0;
                        for (int i = 0; i <= 7; i++) {
                        int index = rcstr.indexOf("^", startIndex);
                        if (index == -1) break;
                        startIndex = index + 1;
                        if (i < 7) continue;

                        String respstr = rcstr.substring(index+1);
                        index = respstr.indexOf("^");
                        if (index != -1)
                        respstr = respstr.substring(0, index);
                        parseCallResponses(respstr, responses);

                        return getCallStatus(rcstr);

                        private void parseCallResponses(String respstr, HashMap responses)
                        while (! respstr.isEmpty()) {
                        int index = respstr.indexOf('|');
                        String nvstr = respstr;
                        if (index != -1)
                        nvstr = respstr.substring(0, index).trim();

                        int index2 = nvstr.indexOf('=');
                        if (index2 == -1)
                        responses.put("__response___", nvstr);
                        else {
                        String key = nvstr.substring(0, index2).trim();
                        String value = nvstr.substring(index2+1).trim();
                        responses.put(key, value);

                        if (index == -1)
                        respstr = respstr.substring(index+1).trim();

                        /* test usage */
                        public static void main(String args[])
                        throws InterruptedException
                        String mynumber = "1112222"; // replace with your own

                        Voicent voicent = new Voicent();
                        String reqId = voicent.callText(mynumber, "hello, how are you", true);
                        System.out.println("callText: " + reqId);

                        reqId = voicent.callAudio(mynumber, "C:/Program    Files/Voicent/MyRecordings/sample_message.wav", false);
                        System.out.println("callAudio: " + reqId);

                        while (true) {
                        String status = voicent.callStatus(reqId);
                        if (status.length() > 0) {

                        voicent.callTillConfirm("C:/Program    Files/Voicent/BroadcastByPhone/bin/vcast.exe",
                        "C:/Program Files/Voicent/MyRecordings/sample_message.wav",

                        private String host_;
                        private int port_;