Where Customer’s agreement with Voicent provides Customer with support services, Voicent shall provide the “Support Services” described below in Sections 1-5, as applicable to the product purchased by Customer.
1.1 Documentation means the designated final user manuals, online materials, specifications or forms furnished by Voicent that describe the features, functionality or operation of the Voicent System.
1.2 Error means reproducible defect in the Voicent System when operated on a Supported Environment, which causes the Voicent System not to operate substantially in accordance with the Documentation.
1.3 Voicent System means the current release of the Voicent software as used in accordance with all applicable terms.
1.4 Resolution or SLO means a modification or workaround to the Voicent System and/or Documentation provided by Voicent to customer intended to resolve an Error.
1.5 Severity Levels: Voicent recognizes the following severity levels for Support Cases.
Severity 1 - Critical: Critical production issue affecting all users, including system unavailability, data integrity issues, or bugs having a significant impact. No workaround available. This severity level requires maximum effort of support until an emergency fix or bypass is developed for Customer. Critical situations may require Customer and Voicent personnel to be at their respective work locations or available on an around-the-clock basis. Critical issues requiring further Research & Development from Voicent will be resolved at the discretion and availability.
Severity 2 - Urgent: Major functionality is impacted or significant performance degradation is experienced. Issue is persistent and affects many users and/or major functionality. No reasonable workaround available. A fix is required as soon as possible.
Severity 3 - High: System performance issue or bug affecting some but not all users. Short-term workaround is available, but not scalable.
Severity 4 - Medium: Inquiry regarding a routine technical issue; bug affecting a small number of users or insignificant business impact. Also includes requests such as requests for feature activation or a data export. Reasonable workaround available.
Severity 5 - Low: Inquiry regarding a routine question; information requested on application capabilities, navigation, installation or configuration. (Default level for most requests.)
1.6 Supported Environment means any hardware, operating system, java version, database version, software, or web browser platform which Voicent supports for use with the Voicent System. Please refer to our browser support policy for more information on supported web browsers.
1.7 Update means a release of the software which Voicent generally makes available to its customers with active support agreements at no additional license fee. Updates shall not include any release, option or future product which Voicent licenses separately from its Support Services for an additional fee. At the sole discretion of Voicent, periodic updates to the Voicent System may incorporate (a) corrections of any substantial Errors, (b) fixes of any minor bugs, and (c) enhancements to the Voicent System.
2.1 Voicent Community Support The primary channel for the Community Support Service is the Voicent support page or knowledge base. The Voicent knowledge base contains contributions from Users and is provided by Voicent on an as-is and as-available basis. Users may access the knowledge base from our support page.
2.2 Product Support Matrix. Our Support Plans page provides a table which describes the type of Support Services, Initial Response Times and Resolutions Times (SLOs) available to each of Voicent’s products, platforms, and APIs.
2.3 Online Case Submission. A user in hosted platform can create a ticket in the following ways:
2.4 Support Hours Availability.
3.1 Support. Voicent may provide electronic, email, or blog support to Annual Support Service customers in order to:
3.2 Resolution of Errors. Voicent will provide an initial non-automated response acknowledging Errors reported by User in accordance with the Response Times listed above. Thereafter, Voicent will use commercially reasonable efforts to provide a Resolution to Errors no later than the times set out in Resolution SLOs provided in the table set forth in Section 2.2 above.
3.3 Exceptions. Voicent shall have no responsibility under this Agreement to provide Support Services or to fix any Errors arising out of or related to any of the following causes:
3.4 Excluded Services. The following services are beyond the scope of Voicent’s Support Services:
3.5 Additional Services. Voicent may, by separate agreement with User, provide services (including on-site support) that are beyond the scope of the services described in the Agreement.
4.1 Supervision and Management. Customer is responsible for undertaking the proper supervision, control and management of its use of the Voicent System, including, but not limited to: (a) assuring proper Supported Environment configuration, Voicent System installation and operating methods; and (b) following industry standard procedures for the security of data, accuracy of input and output, and back-up plans, including restart and recovery in the event of hardware or software error or malfunction.
4.2 Training. Customer is responsible for proper training of all appropriate personnel in the operation and use of the Voicent System and associated equipment. Voicent does provide paid training services available here.
4.3 Service Access. User will provide to Voicent access to its system(s) used to connect to the Voicent System covered by this Support Services agreement via the internet or other mutually agreeable means for purposes of providing Support Services. If Customer does not provide Voicent with access to its systems, Voicent may not be able to meet the SLOs provided in the table above.
5. ON-PREMISE PROVISIONS. If Customer is using the Voicent System hosted by Customer on Customer premises, the following provisions in this Section 5 will also apply.
5.1 Service Access. User will provide to Voicent access to its system(s) used to connect to the Voicent System covered by this Support Services agreement via the internet or other mutually agreeable means for purposes of providing Support Services. If Customer does not provide Voicent with access to its systems, Voicent may not be able to meet the SLOs provided in Section 2.2 above.
5.2 Access to Personnel and Equipment. Customer shall provide Voicent with access to Customer’s personnel and its equipment for the purpose of satisfying its obligations hereunder. If such access is not provided, Voicent may not be able to meet the SLO provided in Section 2.2 above. This access must include the ability to remotely access the equipment on which the Supported Programs are operating and to obtain the same access to the applicable equipment. Voicent will inform Customer of the specifications of the remote access methods available and associated software needed, and Customer will be responsible for the costs and use of said equipment.
5.3 Designated Contact. Customer shall notify Voicent of its Designated Contact. To the maximum extent possible, Customer’s communications with Voicent will be through this Designated Contact.
5.4 On-Premises Updates. Voicent will provide Updates for the Supported Programs as and when developed for general release in Voicent’s sole discretion. Each Update will consist of a set of programs and files made available electronically and will be accompanied by Documentation adequate to inform Customer of the problems resolved and any significant operational differences resulting therefrom. If Customer receives Updates from Voicent, Customer agrees to install and implement each such Update within thirty (30) days of receipt.
5.5 On-Premises Supported Releases. Voicent will provide support to the latest release and the three (3) previous versions of the prior releases. Customers running versions prior to the supported releases will be prompted to upgrade to a supported version prior to Voicent providing support for the reported issue.
5.6 Travel and Other Expenses. Support Services provided hereunder shall be provided at Voicent’s principal place of business. Should Customer request that Voicent send personnel to Customer’s location to resolve any Error, Customer shall pay Voicent’s reasonable travel, meals and lodging expenses. Under such circumstances, Customer shall also pay actual costs for supplies and other expenses reasonably incurred by Voicent, which are not of the sort normally provided or covered by Voicent, provided that Customer has approved in advance the purchase of such supplies and other expenses. If Customer so requires, Voicent shall submit written evidence of each expenditure to Customer prior to receiving reimbursement of such costs and expenses.