Developers: IVR, SMS, CRM, Dialers

PHP IVR Interface

The Voicent PHP IVR module contains the following functions:

Call IVR

Synopsis - call_ivr

call_ivr <phoneno> <appname> <selfdelete>

Description - call_ivr

Make a phone call to the specificed number and use the IVR application to interact and control the phone call.

<phoneno> - The phone number to call.
<appname> - The name of the deployed IVR application.
<selfdelete> - Ask the gateway to automatically delete the call request after the call is made if it is set to '1'.

<reqId> - The return value is the call request id.

Example - call_ivr

call_ivr('123-4567', 'reminderApp', 1)
Make a call to phone number '123-4567' and use 'reminderApp' on the gateway for call interaction. You can use call_status_responses to get the call status and responses, or use call_remove to remove the call record.

Call Status Responses

Synopsis - call_status_response

call_status_response <reqId> <responses>

Description - call_status_response

Make a phone call to the specificed number and use the IVR application to interact and control the phone call.

Check the call status and responses of the call with <reqId>. The second parameter is a reference to an array and is used to collect responses. So if you have an element named AttendMeeting, the response can be accessed as responses["AttendMeeting"]. Please note that you can have multiple IVR elements that collect responses.

Example - call_status_response

Declare your responses array.
$responses = array();
Use your responses array with the function.
$status = call_status('123-4567', $responses)

Source Code


class Voicent
    var $host = "localhost";
    var $port = 8155;


    function call_ivr($phoneno, $appname, $selfdelete)
        $body = "info=" . urlencode("call " . $phoneno) . "&";
        $body .= "phoneno=" . urlencode($phoneno) . "&";
        $body .= "firstocc=10&";
        $body .= "startapp=" . urlencode($appname) . "&";
        $body .= "selfdelete=" . $selfdelete;

        return $this->_call_now($body);

    function call_status_response($reqId, &$responses)
        $headers = "GET /ocall/callstatusHandler.jsp?reqid=" . $reqId . " HTTP/1.1\r\n" .
                "User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0\r\n" .
                "Host: " . $this->host . "\r\n" .

        if (! ($sock = fsockopen($this->host, $this->port, $errno, $errstr))) {
            echo $errstr;
            return false;

        fwrite($sock, $headers, strlen($headers));

        $status = "";
        while ($line = fgets($sock, 4096)) {
            if ($line == '')
            $rcarr = explode("^", $line);

            // call responses is the 9th field
            $resparr = explode("|", $rcarr[8]);
            foreach ($resparr as $resp) {
                // each is a name value pair
                $nvarr = explode("=", $resp);
                $key = $nvarr[0];
                $value = $nvarr[1];
                $responses[$key] = $value;

            // call status is the 3rd field
            if ($rcarr[2] == "made")
                $status = "Call Make";
            if ($rcarr[2] == "failed")
                $status = "Call Failed";

        return $status;

