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Call Center Manager: New Report Feature!

Voicent Communications is happy to announce a new feature for Call Center Manager!

Version 8.6.0 and later will now have the ability to view reports related to their agents.

Some of the features in the agent report are as follows for their current session and all sessions:

  1. Login Since / Total Login Time
  2. Calls Anwered
  3. Talk Time
  4. Wrapup Time
  5. Idle Time

Some of the features in the campaign report are as follows for the current session and all sessions:

  1. Total Calls
  2. Answering Machine
  3. Failed
  4. Answered
  5. Connected To Agent
  6. Callee Abandoned
  7. Dropped Calls
  8. Drop/Total Calls
  9. Drop/Answered Calls

All of these reports can be exported based on a selection in our built in calender, allowing you to view statistics for today or a whole month!

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