What is VOIP?

VOIP allows users to make telephone calls over the internet to other VOIP users free of charge and to landlines and cell phones for a minimal fee. Since calls are made over the internet, you no longer need a physical phone line. VOIP stands for Voice Over Internet Protocal.

What is SIP?

SIP is a standard for VOIP. With SIP, you use a SIP softphone to make phone calls from your computer. A SIP softphone is simply a piece of SIP client software with a telephone-like user interface. Each line started by Voicent software acts as a SIP softphone. Once you setup and configure Voicent for SIP, you can use any Voicent program as if you are using regular telephone lines.

SIP Termination

A VOIP service feature that allows you to call both local, long distance and international phones and cell phones directly from a SIP softphone (thus from Voicent).

DID Number

Stands for Direct Inward Dialing Number. The number looks exactly the same as a regular phone number and it allows anyone to call your SIP softphone from a landline or mobile phone.

Setup Voicent To Use Your Phone Servive


A VOIP service is like your traditional phone service. But instead of providing you with a physical phone line, a VOIP service provides you with a VOIP account that you can use to make phone calls over the internet to regular telephones. In addition, almost all VOIP services are based on the same SIP standard so you have many choices and can easily switch among them.

A PBX system that supports IP phones allows Voicent software or IP phones to connect as if it is a traditional extension. The only difference is that the connection is through computer networking instead of physical phone lines. If you are currently using a major brand PBX system, it is likely it supports IP extensions.

A SIP trunk is like your traditional phone trunk that accommadates large call volumes. The SIP trunk servce can be provided from dedicated lines or virtual lines from your existing Internet connection.

Using VOIP/SIP for Voicent software offers major benefits:

Easy installation and setup - No hardware installation. Download the software and setup in minutes

No need for physical phone lines

No need for telephony hardware - no voice modem, no dialogic board

Supports latest Windows OS - Windows 2000/2003/XP/Vista/Windows 7

Unlimited scalability - supports simultaneous calls up to as many as your computer allows

Try it now

For the impatient, you can skip the technical details and follow the following links to get started. Please note you do not have to use Callcentric VOIP service for Voicent software, we simply use it as an example. Voicent software should support almost all VOIP service providers.

Step-by-Step instructions for testing Voicent software using Callcentric VOIP service for FREE Video Help: Setting Up VOIP for Voicent

Sign Up For A VOIP Service

You need to find a VOIP/SIP service provider and sign up for an account. A VOIP service, together Voicent Software, allows you to make phone calls to landline or cell phone over the internet. You do not need a physical phone line or a voice modem to make phone calls. All you need is a computer, broadband internet connection, and a VOIP service provider.

For testing, we recommend you use the following two VOIP services:

For small call volume, single line, try CallCentric

For large call volume, simultaneous calls, try Skype Connect

Some other VOIP services are listed here: RingCentral, Vonage, Nextiva, ViaTalk, Vocalocity, Gradwell, FreshTel, i2Telecom, Rapidvox, Broadvoice, DiamondCard, CallWithUs.

Once your account is created, please see:

setup Voicent to use a VOIP service

Sign Up For A SIP Trunk Service

If you need dedicated phone service for large call volume, you can signing up for a SIP trunk service. Voicent software should work with SIP trunk service directly, without the need for other hardware (like a IP PBX system).

Popular SIP trunk services among Voicent customers are Broadvox and Bandwidth.com. There are also many specialized SIP trunk service providers.

Once your trunk service is activated and setup, please see:

setup Voicent to use a SIP trunk service

Setup Your PBX System's IP Extensions

setup Voicent to use a PBX system