Gateway Outbound Application Tutorial: Survey Start Page
Now we have the application VXML files developed, we can start
implement the survey controls and report features. The survey
start page is shown below:

To simplify the sample, the start page only takes a list of
comma separated phone numbers. On the server side, the application
will randomly assign other necessary values, such as car maker and
date of service provided. In a real survey application, the start
page is likely to take some database queries and perform the
operation accordingly. But the key feature related to Voicent
Gateway should be exactly the same.
<meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en-us">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
<title>Customer Satisfactory Survey</title>
<form method="POST" action="surveyHandler.jsp">
<font face="Lucida Console"><b>Customer Satisfactory
<p><font face="Lucida Console" size="2">Please enter a comma separated
phone list:</font></p>
<p><input type="text" name="phonelist" size="94"></p>
<p><input type="submit" value="Start Survey" name="B1"></p>
</html>The form is processed by surveyHandler.jsp. For
each phone number in the list, a CallRecord is created. It then
sends the call request to the gateway through sendCallRequest()
method. The CallID is saved in the CallRecord.
String phonelist
= request.getParameter("phonelist");
StringTokenizer tkz = new StringTokenizer(phonelist, ",");
String phoneno;
while (tkz.hasMoreTokens()) {
phoneno = tkz.nextToken();
CallRecord rec = new CallRecord(phoneno);
void sendCallRequest(CallRecord rec)
// setting the required http post string
String poststr = "info=";
poststr += URLEncoder.encode("Survey Call " + rec.m_phoneno);
poststr += "&phoneno=";
poststr += rec.m_phoneno;
poststr += "&firstocc=120";
poststr += "&starturl=";
poststr += URLEncoder.encode("http://localhost:8155/ocall/myapp/start.jsp");
// now the generic parameters for parameterized VXML
// The name must match the one used in the VXML file
poststr += "&customer_name=";
poststr += URLEncoder.encode(rec.m_name);
poststr += "&service_date=";
poststr += URLEncoder.encode(rec.m_date);
poststr += "&car_maker=";
poststr += URLEncoder.encode(rec.m_carmaker);
// Send Call Request
String rcstr = postToGateway("/ocall/callreqHandler.jsp", poststr);
rec.m_callId = getReqId(rcstr);