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Replace Twilio To Save Money

I am very interested in this product I have been looking for an affordable solution. I have an online system we had developed this includes a text facility programmed to twilio to speed up things via text. This is not cost effective as we pay per individual text and reply. Will I need to go back to the developers who developed our CRM to programme this product or can I use different developers. Do you have developers we could use for this?

Twilio does offer a cost effective testing and development environment for new programs. But as you noticed, once your site goes live and the text messaging volume goes up, the per-text based pricing can quickly adds up and eats into your bottom line. The good news is that you can simply switch to Voicent software, which can be installed on your own server and save a lot of money by using a text message plan from your mobile company.

The interface between Voicent and Twilio are similar. For example, if your developer uses PHP code to inform Twilio to send a text message, you can replace that line of code, and replace that with a call to Voicent system:

send_sms('650-555-1212', $message, true)

You could also setup response code in your SMS message also. Based on experience of other customers, the switch over does require some changes in the program, but should not be too difficult. All document are published online and we also offer developer support if they need such a service.

To answer your question, yes, you could use other developers to change the code. Find a developer that is familiar with the particular CRM you are using. The Voicent part is probably the easy part.

Also, yes, our service team do work on custom project.

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