Voicent shining as a big star in Hollywood (no, not that Hollywood)

Of all the ways we’ve heard of how Voicent’s BroadcastByPhone software is used, our absolute favorite is law enforcement.

Communities around the world are using BroadcastByPhone to aggressively notify the owners of illegally posted signs that they are in violation of the law.

Today, the Associated Press published a national story on Hollywood, Florida’s use of BroadcastByPhone for just that purpose.

The story, written by Kelli Kennedy, quotes city Mayor Peter Bober and other city officials who say BroadcastByPhone has reduced illegal signs by 90 percent is some areas.

The Voicent story is being carried by news organizations around the world, including ABC NewsCBS News and the Huffington Post.

The story identifies Voicent by name, but also mentions but does not identify another communication software company’s product, used by the community of Oakland Park.

The story notes that Oakland Park is using their software for the same thing as Hollywood, but with one big difference–their software is charging them 9 cents per call.

Voicent has no per-call charge or any other kind of usage fee. You buy it once and own it for life.

Maybe we should give the mayor of Oakland Park a call. :)



Posted in Business, Communication Best Practices, technology, Voicent |

Our How to Guide to Email Newsletters is now appearing on Slideshare

Our 20-page Guide to Email Newsletters–a perfect accompaniment to a free copy of BroadcastByEmail–is now available on Slideshare.

The guide gives you step-by-step instructions and advice on designing, writing and broadcasting email newsletters, generally regarded as one of the most powerful lead generation and relationship management tools available.

Our guide also discusses list management and important ways to avoid being labelled a spammer (Voicent is a huge supporter of opt-in email marketing. Not just because it’s the law, but because it’s more cost-effective and productive.)

While you’re on Slideshare, you can also get a copy of Voicent’s guide to using VoIP for political campaigns.

Posted in Business |

Voicent is giving away its email broadcaster

First, we did a top-to-bottom update of our BroadcastByEmail software, making it even more powerful and easier to use.

Now, we’re giving it away for free. Sounds like an excellent plan for going straight out of business, doesn’t it?

Actually, it’s all part of our carefully devised plan to break into social-network marketing.  As we understand it, getting those 750 million+ Facebook members to give you the time of day, you have to bribe them with free stuff.

So, we’re offering up our newly revised BroadcastByEmail software, which is part of our BroadcastBy suite of communication tools.

(Now you’re beginning to see the genius of our plan. Once people discover us, they will want to buy our broadcast tools for voice and text messaging, and our auto-dialer software, and our automated appointment reminders, and all of that ultra-cool VoIP PBX, Interactive Voice Response, and other stuff.  Diabolical, yes?)

So, what strings are attached? None! Well, except for:

  1. You have to download and actually try BroadcastByEmail for free.
  2. If you like it, you have to ‘like’ us on Facebook AND on Google+, and optionally on Linked-In.

    What’s that? You aren’t a member of Google+?

    Well become one! It takes two minutes and in return you get great software valued at $499!

  3. Once yo have ‘liked’ us on Facebook, and ‘g+1-ed’ us on Google+, and (optionally) recommended us on Linked-In, you will be directed to a web page where you can click on a link and request your software license key.

That’s it. We’ll send you your license key ASAP, and you will have an awesome, fully licensed, $499 broadcast email tool that will enable you to do outstanding email newsletters, or event invitations, or opt-in marketing campaigns.

Click here to learn more and to get started.

Posted in Business, Communication Best Practices, Email marketing, SMB Marketing tips, Voicent, VoIP |