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Import Appointments

If you are using another scheduling software or office management software to make appointments, you can export the appointments in a comma separated file, then have Voicent AutoReminder import the file
and make reminder calls. The import file format is specified below:

Contact, Phone, Start Time, End Time, Call Time, MessageID, Notes, Include Notes, Category, Confirmation, User, Audio File, Room, SMS Number, SMS Send Time, SMS Message ID, SMS Include Notes, Email Address, Email Send Time, Email MessageID, Email Include Notes

The First three fields are required fields. Each appointment is specified in a single line. The first line is ignored and can be used for table headings. The following is a sample line:

“John K”, “123-3456”, “11/02/2003 10:00 am”, “”, “11/01/2003 10:00 am”

Please note that the first line is ignored if importing from a file. The first line is usually a header row.

Import Appointments From A File

To import, from program main menu, select Appointment > Import Appointments… .

Using A Conversion Program

Some scheduling program can only export/print a fixed format. That format might not be recognized by Voicent AutoReminder. In this situation, a conversion program is needed.

Please contact our service organization if you need such a conversion program.

Details Of Import Fields

Parameter Meaning Value/Format
Contact Attendee contact Name (comma
separated for group)
Phone Attendee
Phone number
(comma separated)
Start Time
HH:MM AM/PM The time the appontment will begin.
End Time Appointment End Time MM/DD/YYYY
HH:MM AM/PM If not
specified, the default appointment length is used
Phone Call Time Reminder
call time
HH:MM AM/PM If the value is empty, no reminder call is set. If
the value is “Now”, reminder call is set to the current
time; if the value is “Ask”, a dialog window will be shown
during import to collect user input
Message ID Message ID for telephone reminder Message ID name created using the Telephone Message
Designer. If not specified, <System Provided> will be used
Notes Appointment
Any text notes. Notes can be referenced in the Message Designer’s Standard item dialogue, or included by adding 1 to the include notes field
Phone Include Notes Include notes in the phone reminder? Set to 1 if you want the reminder
call to play notes using text to speech. Set to 0 otherwise
Category Appointment
The desired Catagory name
Confirmation Reminder call confirmation Set to 1 if you want reminder
call confirmation. Set to 0 otherwise.
User Calendar
Name of
calendar user. Only available in multi-user Enterprise Edition.
Audio file Audio file to be included in
reminder call
Wave file path name. Format
must be PCM 8KHz, 16 bit, mono
Room Room for
Name or number of the
SMS Number Attendee SMS phone Cell phone or SMS capable device number.
SMS Send Time Reminder SMS time MM/DD/YYYY
HH:MM AM/PM; If the value is empty, no reminder SMS is set. If
the value is “Now”, reminder SMS is set to the current
time; if the value is “Ask”, a dialog window will be shown
during import to collect user input
SMS Message ID Message ID for SMS reminder Message ID name created using the SMS Message
Designer. If not specified, <System Provided> will be used
SMS Include Notes Include notes in the SMS reminder? Set to 1 if you want the reminder
SMS to display notes. Set to 0 otherwise
Email Attendee email address An email address
Email Send Time Reminder SMS time MM/DD/YYYY
HH:MM AM/PM; If the value is empty, no reminder SMS is set. If
the value is “Now”, reminder SMS is set to the current
time; if the value is “Ask”, a dialog window will be shown
during import to collect user input
Email Message ID Message ID for email reminder Message ID name created using the Email Message
Designer. If not specified, <System Provided> will be used
Email Include Notes Include notes in the email reminder? Set to 1 if you want the reminder
email to include the notes. Set to 0 otherwise

Corresponding Appointment Fields

These fields correspond to the fields in the Create Appointment Dialog as shown below:

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