Auto Dialer Product Walkthrough 2.3Create a Campaign List from Search Results

You can create all kinds of campaign call lists by specifying a search criteria. For example, you can create a call list that is in the 650 area code, has not been contacted before, and reached an answering machine last campaign. The following shows how to use the advanced search feature in Voicent CRM.

Create contact list from search results

How to create a campaign list from search results

  1. Select Advanced Search, click the Add button
  2. Search criteria and group AND/OR condition
  3. Order by and display columns
  4. Save as search profile
Next: 2.4 Create a Campaign List from Campaign Results



How do I define an advanced search where a phone number matches any phone field?

Whenever you need an OR condition, use the search group. So in group 1, specify the phone number equals to work phone. Add group 2, specify the phone number equals home phone. Add group 3, specify the phone number equals the cell phone. Add group 4 and specify the phone number equals to the other phone field. Logically, the above condition can be represented as:

p == WorkPhone || p == HomePhone || p == CellPhone || p == OtherPhone

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