The program manages the master bounced/unsubscribe list. The list is shared by all broadcast email lists. So for every new email list, you can check it against the master list for bounced or unsubscribe list.
After you have run the Check bounced emails…, you can move all bounced email address to the master bounced list. Select Manage > Move bounced emails to bounced list" from the program main menu. To check against the bounced list, select Manage > Exclude emails from bounced list" from the program main menu.
The program comes with a set of pre-defined email filters. You can create your own email filters or modify the existing email filters. The following is an example:
The rule basically states that if an email subject line is "failure notice", then it is a bounced email. Then the program will go into the email body, looking for a line begins with "To:" and then extracts the email address of the remaining line.
Once your incoming email server is set and filters are defined, you can run the program to automatically manage bounced or unsubscribe emails. Select Manage > Check bounced emails… or Manage > Check Unsubscribe emails… from the program main menu. The program basically logs in to your POP3 email account, reads all emails from the INBOX, and performs the following:
Check each email against the email filters
If it matches an email filer, then the email address is extracted
Check the current broadcast email list and mark the status "bounced" or "unsubscribe"if the email address matches the extracted one
Delete the email if "Delete email after processing" is set from the settings window.
Please note that an email will not be delete if it does not match any bounced or unsubscribe filter, or the extracted email address is not in the current broadcast email list.