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Workflow – Getting Started
Workflow engine is an important component in the Voicent platform. The advantage of Voicent’s workflow engine is that it can utilize not only the built-in CRM but also all the voice, email, and text messaging tools on the platform.
The most common usage of workflow is the trigger, which is easy to define and use. See:
Ex. Define a trigger that sends the assigned agent a notice when a web form is submitted. Test your trigger
Ex. Define a trigger that sends a text message when a campaign named “test one” is finished. Test your trigger
Use Trigger to Create Drip Emails
Drip emails can be easily created using a workflow trigger. All you need to do is insert “wait” actions in between emails.
Ex. Define a trigger that when a contact’ category is changed to “Hot Lead” sends 3 emails and the 2nd email is sent 1 minute after the first one, and the 3rd is sent 2 minutes after the second one. Test your trigger
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