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Contact Center Software Solutions

In the contact center business, change is always present. New client? Great! New program or product? Exciting! But for small businesses and large enterprises alike, efforts to outsource agents, expand to new geographies or open new contact center can represent daunting change, putting a real strain on both people and technology—especially technology. Why is this true?

Let’s face it: contact center systems are complex. They support a varied range of business and communication functions, and depend on multiple technology layers. Applications, softwares and tools, often sourced from multiple vendors over different time frames, may not play well together, resulting in inefficient, cumbersome overlaps and gaps in functionality.

What is a contact center?

Before we tackle contact software solutions, let us first define a contact center.

A contact center is a central point in an enterprise from which all customer contacts are managed.  The contact center typically includes one or more online call centers but may include other types of customer contact as well, including e-mail newsletters, postal mail catalogs, Web site inquiries and chats, and the collection of information from customers during in-store purchasing. A contact center is generally part of an enterprise’s overall customer relationship management (CRM).

The Solution – Voicent’s Call Center CRM

By eliminating the delays associated with internally managed systems, a contact center software can cost-effectively add functionality, boost capacity, change processes and tap new or changed data sources precisely when they need to. A business can deploy agents or even establish new contact centers with unprecedented speed, on a pay-as-you-go basis that benefits businesses of all sizes. What do you gain? Maximum agent productivity at all times, lower costs, and the ability to seize market opportunities that might otherwise have been lost.

Voicent offers a contact center software proven to deliver sales force automation and other software solutions for your business.  Great for helping organizations identify and better understand customer needs by keeping track of customer interactions and displaying them right at the point of future contact.  Voicent Call Center CRM is also good for providing a professional and credibility-enhancing contact experience for prospects and customers.

Saves call status and customer choices (such as opt-out) automatically. You can personalize design and managing various marketing and sales campaign. There is automatic sharing of customer contact information among different agents of an organization. Thus increasing organizational intelligence and efficiency and serving your customers better.





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