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405: Method Not Allowed

Tried IVR studio. Created application with working navigation and deployed to gateway. Changed it to be called via web interface for outbound calls and navigation is not working.

Is it possible to have navigation vorking without deploying application to gate way every time i need to make a call? I placed VXML files to folder on my site so they are accessible via web, but no luck making it work (please see log and vxml files attached, navigation is not working, though it connects wav files correctly). Actually I use webservice to generate VXML, but i cant make working even this little example attached.

If you look at the output.log, there are a lot of IO errors:

Status Code: 405 Method Not Allowed
at Source)

The above means the gateway is sending an HTTP POST to first_options.vxml, with parameters if any, and it gets an IOException. Can you access that URL through a browser?

Tested, xml files are accessable via browser

405 means “method not allowed”, indicating that the server does not implement whatever HTTP method the code uses.

Your code may only implemented the HTTP GET method, but not the HTTP POST method. The POST method is used in the gateway for submiting to a different VXML file.

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