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Activate broadcast by dialing in

We recently purchased the Enterprise edition of BroadCastbyPhone along with a modem. We are using this software in conjunction with our Business Continuity (Disaster) Planning. We setup the program and acquired a license on one or our desktops and will be locating that desktop in the vault area of the State Capitol Building. In testing our Business Continuity Plan, the question was raised about what would we do if there was a disaster making the Capitol Building have no power and inaccessible. In this case, we would not be able to use the BroadCastbyPhone software. We have an alternate offsite location where we plan to keep a laptop setup and ready to go with software we use in-house. What we would like to do is setup this laptop so it can be used as an alternate incase the one in the Capitol Building is not available. Is there anyway we can do this with the license we have?

Also, I was wondering if the BroadCastbyPhone can be activated by dialing in?

For the laptop, you will need to get another license. Enterprise edition allows you to access the server from remote client. In your case, you will need to have another server setup on the laptop.

Yes, you can activate the BroadcastByPhone program by dialing in. However, you need to create an inbound application using Voicent IVR Studio. In the inbound application, you can check for password, for example, then launch BroadcastByPhone program. The good news is that Voicent IVR Studio Tutorial, Chapter 4has a sample just for that purpose.

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