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Strategic Planning and Budgeting Tools in enhancing customer experience for Inbound Call Centers

Customer Experience (CX), Net promoted score (NPS) and cost reduction, these are the three major areas that leading corporations focus on. Customer satisfaction, service level, and quality to assess service performance contribute to high CX and NPS results. Bonuses are often given to employees when these results are high.

Inbound contact centers are viewed as the main area in which these CX and NPS results are managed for most organizations. Decisions made outside the contact center will greatly impact CX and NPS results, executive bonuses and shareholder returns due to the lack of needed strategic planning and budgeting tools, and that’s because contact centers are a changing setting that is difficult to understand. Decisions made in HR, Training, Marketing, and the like can make a great and cumulative impact.

However, the key to clarify to your executive teams about how such decisions made by those departments will affect service results in the future is to use strategic planning solutions using big data technology. This can give the analytical methodology to accurately and instantly determine the best ways to attain cost reductions and manage service results adequately.

While in most organizations there is a meticulous process for making annual plans and budgets, it is somehow different in a contact center, while generally a multimillion dollar area of expense, it is not regularly accounted due to constraint with regular strategic planning and budgeting tools. This has become a major area of business focus due to the fact of it being very complex, combined with the huge costs associated with very poor NPS and CX scores.

Inbound call centers need a very smart technology that is made to consolidate data from huge and varying sources. These collected data can then be standardized, checked, and used effectively in analysis, reporting and budgeting. This gives a quick and careful planning tool that allows management to calculate the customer experience influences of different service strategies by using “what if” scenarios.

The more precise the real-time analysis, the better chances you have of landing successful Customer Experience (CX) and Net Promoter Score results. Inbound call centers can be compare to mega-million dollar planes that need fine control to maneuver.

With stakes so high, flying blindly and just counting on gut instinct is not sufficient. For you to succeed  an inbound call center strategic planning and budgeting tool that leverages on big data technology is very crucial. Doing so gives the quick and precise information necessary to make informed decisions with haste and with business confidence.


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