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Offsite agent no audio

When attempting to connect using an off site remote agent ther is no audio in or out. I am assuming this is an issue with the router. We can connect just fine and the client is transfered to the offsite (external) agent but no audio can be heard on either end. Is there something I need to enable in the router? if so what?

Yes, this is a router issue. There are actually two routers involved for the transferred call. One is on the gateway side, and the other is on the remote agent side.

On the gateway side, make sure the TCP port 8155, and 8156 is open. Since the remote agent can login and receive popup screen, these two ports seems to be working fine. In addition, make sure TCP and UDP ports 8455 are open for line 1, and 8456 for line 2, and (8455 + n) for line n. These ports are used for SIP audio.

Please also make sure you forward all the above ports on the router to the gateway computer.

On the remote agent side, you normally do not need to open any port. But that depends on the router used. To test, first connect the computer directly to the internet (bypass the router) to see if the audio is working fine. If it does, then you know the gateway side is set up correctly. If you then move the computer inside a router and loses audio, then the router must block the audio stream. There is no easy way to find which port is used on the remote agent side for audio. These ports are generated dynamically by the router when the agent software connects to the audio ports on the gateway side. These ports also change from time to time. You may just want to open a whole range of ports, like from 0 to 50000, to see if it fixes the problem. Or try a different router.

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