Automated Phone Surveys Survey Summary

Real-time Results

Watch people take your automated phone survey in real time and see how your survey charts change as more responses come in.

Call Disposition Statistics

From the summary page, you can see the number of machine answers, live answers, line busy, disconnected lines. This way, you can measure the quality of your contact list and note the time of day that is the best time to call people.

Live Transfer Statistics

See how many calls have been transferred to an agent because a call recipient was interested in your offer or wanted to speak to a live human.

Rerun, Pause, Restart, Resume

From the summary page, you can click the rerun button, pause button, restart button, or resume button to control your survey campaign.

View Anytime

You can view your survey results any time you want, even after the survey has finished. Share, save, and download data files with your survey results.

Detailed Call Reports

In addition to automatically generated reports, Voicent gives you detailed call reports for every phone number dialed, and shows you cost of call, length of call, and whether the call received a machine answer or live answer.

Survey Campaign Results Analysis

At the bottom of the survey summary page, you'll see two buttons. One of the buttons allows you to generate an analysis of your survey results where you can view data tables and charts.

Survey Status

Monitor your survey and the number of responses reached out of the total number of contacts you have. You'll be notified when your survey is finished by the progress bar turning a different color.