According to VoIPwebsites’ blog, business VoIP is rated as the top method of communication, surpassing the age-old calling system of landlines.
“Business VoIP has grown quickly and carved a big market not only in retail side but also in wholesale side as well. VoIP is holding the scene today and would be captured the whole market of communication in future,” the VoIPwebsites blog reports.
The blog points out that VoIP has given birth to many enterprises such as Vonage, Skype and others.
“With the invention of VoIP, the skills of Internet protocol are being used to send the audio. In desktop applications, phone services and corporate telephone systems; the organizations have churned out an industry in VoIP technology,” the blog reports, adding that the Internet phone is “undoubtedly the biggest invention so far in the world of communication, that is not only helpful and beneficial for the business houses but also for the residents. It leaves you counting cash every month since it saves huge money on your monthly phone bills.”