IVR supports thousands of choices

I would like to use your software to provide playback of wav files to callers. I need to have the caller be able to choose from many files, perhaps numbering in the thousands. How many wav files can a caller access? It would appear he or she may be limited to pressing the 0-9 keys to make a choice. Is there a way to expand the choices for the caller?

Yes, instead of using the Choice element, use the Digits element. A digits element allows caller input of any length of digits that is ended by a pound sign (#). The captured digits (without the pound sign) can then be used to select your audio files.

The password sample uses the digits element.

Posted in IVR Usage |

IVR Studio Tutorial is Available

The draft version if IVR Studio Tutorial is releases.

Posted in IVR Developer, IVR General, IVR Usage |

IVR Studio supports speech element

The latest release 5.4.2 (IVR Studio release 2.1) contains the support for speech element.

A speech element is used to support speech command through speech recognition engine. For example, instead of asking the caller to press 1 for support, and press 2 for sales, the system can ask the caller to say “support” and “sales”.

The design of speech command, or VUI (voice user interface), is critical for the success of your application. Unlike the pressing of a touch tone key (DTMF), speech recognitions are not 100% accurate, especially over the telephone line. Your application needs to handle “false recognition” and give callers a change to go back to say it again. You should also design the speech command such that speech commands are very “different” at the same level. For example, to differentiate an answer of “yes” and “no” is more error prone than “yes” and “I do not agree”.

Posted in IVR Developer, IVR General, IVR Usage |