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Check Do-Not-Call list

Voicent Predictive Dialer (Agent Dialer) has a built in Do-Not-Call list scrubber. To check your call list against the National DNC list, select program main menu > List > Check Do Not Call. Specify the folder where the download DNC lists are saved, click OK to continue.

The DNC scrubber checks each phone number in your call list against the DNC list, if it finds a match, it sets the status column to be “Do Not Call”. The rows will be skipped if the status column is labelled “Do Not Call”.

If you phone number is 7 digit, you can supply the default area code in the Check Do Not Call dialog window. The default area code is added to a 7 digit number, and then checked against the DNC list.

You could also check your in-house DNC list. Actually any phone number list that of the following format. The phone numbers are saved in a file, and each line contains a phone number. When checking against this in-house DNC list, select List &ft; Exclude List from the program main menu.

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