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SugarCRM integration

I have a client who is looking for this kind of solution, a dialer that can use either skype or voip for calling. But they need it to be integrated into the Sugarcrm. Agents should used the crm to update the clients information base on the call, record and logs the call into crm. Let me know if this features can be supported by your application since my client is willing to purchase an application that can support this features.

Yes, all Voicent products can use Skype or SIP based VOIP. We actually just released a free project on SugarExchange and SugarForge. The project name is “predict_dial” and it is the “Project of the Month” on SugarCRM website.

Feel free to download both the CRM project and Voicent product to give it a try. We are looking to add more features for the integration, so your feedback will be appreciated.

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