Advanced Options

These options are for developers and advanced users only. By default, you do not have to set anything here. This menu can be found in "Setup" -> "Advanced Options..."

The event notification is used for software integration. From this window you can have Dashboard execute the following commands:

  • Invoke an executable program or Windows batch file
  • Send HTTP POST to a URL
Available Events

These are the event names. The event name will be passed to the program or the post URL. The names are: "login", "logout", "alert", "answered", "onhold", "resumed", "recording", "recorded", "canceled", "hangup", "released", "failed"

Invoke external program

The external program will be invoked with available parameters. The minimum parameters include event name and agent name. For an alert event, it also includes other parameters in the popup screen. The command line use the following format: -Dname=value. For example, if your external program is myprog.exe, then it will be invoked as follows:

myprog.exe -Devent="released" -Dagent="xyz" ...

You could also hide the external program window by checking the box labeled "hide program window"

Post to a URL

Dashboard will post to the URL with available parameters. The minimum parameters include: event name and agent name. For alert event, it also includes other parameters in the popup screen. For example, a post string could look like the following: "event=alert&agent=xyz&name=customer&phone=123456789"

A good place to check the program parameters and result is the Dashboard log file. Normally, it should be located at: "C:\ProgramData\Voicent\Dashboard\logs"