Setup Gateway and Dashboard

Voicent Gateway

Voicent Gateway is automatically installed along with your Voicent software package. You will be required to setup your SIP account through this software before using BroadcastByPhone.

Video link: Setup Call Centric with Voicent Gateway

Video link: Setup Skype Connect with Voicent Gateway

Once you have successfully setup Voicent's Gateway, you will need to connect BroadcastByPhone to Voicent's Gateway before running any campaigns. Follow the steps below:

  1. Open Voicent's Auto Dialer
  2. Click on Broadcast -> Voicent Broadcast Hosts
  3. Click on the existing entry then click the Edit button
  4. On the Host Name or IP: field, enter in the IP address in which Voicent Gateway resides. You will be able to find this information by opening Voicent's Gateway and looking for the Host IP, the image is found below.
  5. Check Auto connect when program starts. Leave it unchecked if you do not want to remember this configuration.
  6. Click Add then Connect
Voicent Dashboard

BroadcastByPhone is able to transfer connected calls to you whenever your callee would like to speak to you. It is highly recommended that you transfer your calls to Voicent Dashboard as the program also integrates with both the Call Center Manager and Call Center CRM.

In order to make full use of Voicent's Auto Dialer, it is recommended that Dashboard be installed and used in conjunction with BroadcastByPhone. Dashboard is a softphone/interface where you will communicate with your customers. It automatically integrates with BroadcastByPhone and all other applicable Voicent software. Among its many uses, Dashboard is primarily used to transfer a live pick-up from an auto-dialed call to one of your agents.

Setup Voicent Dashboard Video Tutorials