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Broadcast By Phone autodialer name pronunciation
On your ‘making a call list’ demo, you are using one word names. When using a full name such as Mr. David Letterman, if using Excel, does the person’s name get used in the broadcast. If so, when using an alphabetically arranged list, would you use the prefix Mr. … and would the David proceed the Letterman or would the Letterman proceed the David?
If you are broadcast a simple audio file, the name is not included in the broadcast. When a call is made, the audio file is played and then the system hangs up. If you want to include the name in your broadcast, you could do so by designing your own message using the Message Designer. You can take a look at later video demos for more details.
The Text-to-Speech software will pronunce the name as you entered. If you enter “Mr. David Letterman”, it will pronunce “Mister”, followed by “David”, followed by “Letterman”.
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