Monthly Archives: January 2007

Autodialer phone number format

We’re getting ready to use the product. I’ve searched knowledge base and FAQ’s without finding an answer. What format does the number need to be in? Does it have to have dashes or will periods be ok, i.e. 123-456-7890 or … Continue reading

Posted in Agent Dialer, Appointment Reminder, Auto Dialer, Gateway, Installation |

Automatic dialer using VOIP

I am trying to put together a broadcast calling system that uses VOIP rather than POTS. I haven’t seen how this can be done with your application. Is there another tool that can act as a bank of PCI modems … Continue reading

Posted in Agent Dialer, Appointment Reminder, Auto Dialer, Installation |

Privileges to start Windows system service

I tried to install software to load broadcast by phone. I keep getting an error: “service voicentgateway failed to start, verify you have suffient privileges to start system services.” Windows system services are programs or processes started by Microsoft Windows … Continue reading

Posted in Gateway, Installation |