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VoiceXML bargein

We’re setting up a program that will call paitients to remind them of appointments. I’m trying to set it up so that they can confirm the appointment, and also replay the message if they missed it. The VXML file is being generated dynamically through PHP, and this is what it looks like after it’s created:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<vxml version="1.0">
<form id="MainMessage">
<block id="start"gt;
This is a call from Dr. Somebody's Office for Patient Name You have an appointment on Monday June 2 at 1:00 pm

<field name="confirm">
Please say, confirm, to confirm this appointment, or call the office at 1234567890.


<if cond="confirm == 'confirm'">
<var name="recno" expr="1" />
<submit next="vxml_autoremind_confirm.php" namelist="recno confirm"/>

This seems to work perfectly, except that I’m having some trouble with a few things. First, some of your documentation on your website doesn’t seem to match up, and I’m not sure which features work and don’t work… for example, in the “prompt” tag, I don’t seem to be able to use “bargein” or “bargeintype”. Is there any current documentation that tells me what is/is not valid?

In general, Voicent only supports some VoiceXML tags. The supported tags are listed online in the VoiceXML reference. The main reason some of the tags are not supported is that voice modem (and Windows unimodem driver) does not support full duplex audio. The “bargein” attribute is an example.

If you are using speech recognition for interaction, “bargein” does not work. But if the program is expecting DTMF input, then the audio playing can be “barged in” using the pound (#) key.

Starting from release 6, when the system uses Skype (or SIP) , “bargein” can be supported. So this feature will be implemented in our future releases. But there is no date set for that.

The other problem is that I can’t seem to use any “goto” tags – if I try to give the user a method to replay the message from the beginning using “goto”, the call just hangs up at that spot.

Using the above code, I tried adding things like:

<goto next="start" />
<goto nextitem="#MainMessage" />

etc, but each of them just cause the call to end abrubtly. Any way you can shed some light on this?

Goto tag is supported. You can check the the log files for more information. The log files are under
C:\Program Files\Voicent\gateway\logs

Another way to replay the message is use the <clear> tag.

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