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Debug autoreminder custom app crashes

We are running Voicent Auto-reminder and populating appointments from a custom application written in dot net. The Voicent app keeps locking-up and we can’t figure out why. We have reloaded Voicent a few times and this doesn’t help. The server doesn’t lockup, just Voicent. We can run other apps on the same server, Word, Excel, IE – all simultaneously – and they don’t lockup. Then, we close all those apps, and only running the auto-reminder and the Gateway, and within a few minutes, Voicent crashes. It seems very much like the software needs to be reloaded, but we’ve done that and to add to the confusion, last night, I logged onto our server at 10:30 PM and ran Voicent for 45 minutes and there were no crashes, which should indicate that it is installed correctly. I even had it makes calls and again, no problem. So, it seems like something that is going on during the day, like for instance, people are using the proprietary app that populates Voicent’s calendar, and it locks up.

It is possible that the server is over-burdened, but this, I would think, would cause Voicent to slow down, not completely lockup. We’re looking for any insight you can provide into why the Voicent auto-reminder would be dying. Here are some questions:

Is it possible that the way we are sending data to Voicent could cause it to lockup?.

Yes. You might want to look into possible race conditions or concurrent access situation.

Could it be something with Voicent’s database? What is the Voicent database? Is it proprietary or run time?

The “Voicent database” for AutoReminder is the Windows file system. All appointment data are saved under C:\Program Files\Voicent\AutoReminder\appt folder. AutoReminder does not use relational database.

Could it be that something went haywire and the hard disk and when we re-install, it is not overwriting the bad file, which is making Voicent crash? When we re-install, the Voicent installation program remembers all the licensing info. Do we need to complete some kind of total uninstallation in order to properly re-install Voicent? Thanks for your help

For a clean install, please see knowledge base article Doing a clean re-install

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