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Adding a Hyperlink to your BBE message

I want to add a hyperlink to my document I created in notepad. Is there a way to do this? Can you add a hyperlink into a txt document?

The short answer is no as you need to save the file as a .htm not a txt.

You can create an .htm file by opening a new Notepad, creating your hyperlink, for instance:

<a href=””>Voicent</a>

(This will create a linked named “Voicent” that when clicked sends you to

Next, go to “File” and “Save as…”. In the “Save as type” pull down select “All files”. Next, in the “File name” field name your file and end it with .htm as the extension.

In BBE go to Broadcast >Messages and select “New”. Name your template and your email subject. Now, under the “Email Body” select “HTML file”, click the “Browse” button above and locate the .htm file you created.

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