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Gateway call status return string


Can you email me the meaning of the items in this list:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2006 21:53:27 GMT Pragma: no-cache Server: Apache Tomcat/4.0.4 (HTTP/1.1 Connector) Transfer-Encoding: chunked Cache-Control: no-cache 47 [0^null^made^2006 11 22 16 42^2006 11 22 16 42^Call succeeded^^^^^ ] 0

I understand the headers. The array is not so clear.

First of all, a big warning. These are internal return strings and they are subject to change from release to release. The only way to make your application immune to the changes are using the gateway client library. Second, if you try to parse the return string, you are sort of duplicate the work in the client library.

The first two columns are for internal use, so ignore it.
The 3rd is the call status.
The 4th is the call made time.
The 5th is the call retry time if any.
The 6th is the more detailed call status message.
The 7th is the call confirmation status

I also noticed that the date in the array is “2006 11 22 16 42″. The date of the call is 2006 12 22 16 42. I double checked the computer the gateway is on and the date is correct however this appears off by a month.

The first month is 0.

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