Category Archives: Gateway
Gateway call status return string
Question: Can you email me the meaning of the items in this list: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2006 21:53:27 GMT Pragma: no-cache Server: Apache Tomcat/4.0.4 (HTTP/1.1 Connector) Transfer-Encoding: chunked Cache-Control: no-cache 47 [0^null^made^2006 11 22 16 42^2006 … Continue reading
Gateway Speech Engine Installation
Question: I get this message: Voicent Gateway Speech Engine has encountered a problem and needs to close. 1). Operating system must be Windows 2K/XP or later 2). The locale setting must be US, English language 3). Check your installation. You … Continue reading
Call status for answering machine and live pickup
Question: I’m using the gateway VB API to initiate phone calls at other locations. I’m having an issue with determining if the caller answers the phone or an answering machine. The return value always seems to be “Call Made”. I … Continue reading