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Support for older release

If you are using a release that is no longer supported, you can still get help information by searching our online knowledge base and other online document under support. Voicent provides free email support for the latest release, or if your purchase is withing a year.

The latest release can be found at the download page. Voicent release is labelled as X.Y.Z, where X is the major release number, Y is the minor relase number, and Z is build releated info. You can always upgrade to a later release that has the same major release number, such as upgrade from 6.2.1 to 6.5.2. But you need to have maintenance contract or purchase upgrade if you want to upgrade to a new major release, such as from 6.2.1 to 7.0.1.

If you would like to upgrade or get maintenance contract, please visit Voicent Online Store

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