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Add calling abilities to Java program

Hi, we are a small software restaurant point of sale company looking to integrate some calling abilities into our software.

Some examples:
1) Panic button to notify police in case of robberies.
2) Auto call back when take out orders are ready.

I saw you have a java api. Would I have to buy a copy for every installation?

Yes and No . It depends on how your software is installed and whether you want to host Voicent software for calling also.
Distribute Voicent Application on Each Installation

The biggest advantage is that each site has its own caller ID and you do not have to manage the calling for your clients. Since the call is originated from your client’s site, the caller ID will be number of their location not yours. So for panic dialing 911 automatically will have the correct locations shown to police. The correct caller ID is also desirable for automatic phone calls for take out order notification.

If you do choose this route, please sign up as Voicent Reseller, which entitles you to some decent discount.

Host Voicent Application

You could also host Voicent application for your clients. Any call request will then be forwarded from your software to Voicent software.

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