Refresh appointments through command line

We put together a script to generate cancellations report from AutoReminder and everything works fine except one thing: when AutoReminder application stays open, it won’t refresh data for the next day in the reports, as a result we can’t generate the correct cancellations. Is there any way have application auto-refresh, so it’ll load the current data? If AutoReminder is closed, then we can’t use http functions to access it

When AutoReminder is running as a server, it asumes every access (add, remove, edit, and report) is through its web interface or GUI; thus, there is no need to refresh the appointments once it is started. If you use the command line to add appointments, it simply adds appointment data to the file system.

For most applications, developers use either the web interface or command line interface. It is not recommended to use mixed interfaces for the reason mentioned above.

However, if you do need to use command line and web interface, you should execute the command line through the AutoReminder client program. Here is how you should implement this:

1). Run AutoReminder as server

2). If you want to run command line on a computer other than the server computer, install Voicent AutoReminder as client (no gateway). Or if you want to run command line on the server computer, make a copy of the AutoReminder folder under C:\Program Files\Voicent\gateway. Name the new folder like AutoReminderClient, For Window Vista or 7, you may also make a copy of the AutoReminder folder under C:\Program Data\Voicent.

3). Run AutoReminderClient\bin\Aptbook.exe, select View > Setup Client Server. Set run as client, save, and exit.

4). Rerun AutoReminderClient\bin\Aptbook.exe and make sure it is now running as a client. Add an appointment and you should see that reflected on the server AutoReminder.

5). Now execute your command line through AutoReminderClient\bin\Aptbook.exe. Since it is a client version, all updates to the appointments will be reflected in the server version.

Posted in Appointment Reminder, Developer |

Forward recorded messages

When using BP – the “leave a message” option records the message and the report has a link to the wavefile recording in the spreadsheet. If I were to perform 50 of these calls and get 50 messages, how do I export the report with links to the recordings? Or what is the best way to be able to forward the records to other people on the team to deal with?

The Record link in the status column should contain the exact location of the audio file. If you double click on the status cell (not on the link itself), you should see the HTML a tag like <a href=…>, where the href should contain the audio file folder and file name.

If you export the call list, you should see the detailed status column with fully specified href.

To have them shared, share the computer folder that contains these audio files.

Posted in Auto Dialer |

Voice solution for doctor office

We are looking for a voice solution for Doctor office ASAP. We are Very much interested with voicent. Queires: 1)Would auto remainder support multiple providers(Doctor)

Yes, AutoReminder supports multiple calendar users (doctors). With multiple users support, each user or doctor can have his own color coded appointments, call back phone number and reminder message; and you can user the appointment filters to display appointments for a doctor only.

The standard purchase of AutoReminder comes with a single user. You can purchase more users any time. For details, please check our online store, under upgrade for AutoReminder.

2) In Standard Item radio button, then how we can use IVRS?

To use Voicent IVR Studio, simple use the tool to design a message for AutoReminder (New Application for > AutoReminder). Once it is deployed to Voicent Gateway, you can then use the message for your reminder call.

3) When is the purpose of Room in Standard Item (It can be used as seperate Provide)?

Some doctor offices have multiple rooms for patients. This is just a field for appointment scheduling.

BTW, in addition to support multiple doctors, Voicent AutoReminder can also support multiple office locations.

We downloaded and tested we faced the following issues, No voice in calls made from remainder

This audio issue is probably related to router/firewall settings. Some of the auto UDP ports are probably blocked. You can send us the log files by selecting Help > Report Problems.. from the program main menu, so we can take a look at if there is any other issues.

Posted in Appointment Reminder, VOIP |