I would like to know if there is a way for people that I am calling to leave a message so that one of our representatives can call them back. I would also like to know if there is an option for people to opt out of being on the call list.
Yes, absolutely. All you need to do is design a message that allow them to record a message. Here are the steps:
1. Select Designer > Message Designer
2. Click the New button
3. Design the audio message as you intended (for more info, please see the Product Walkthrough under the Help menu)
4. select “play different messages for answering machine and human pickup”
5. select “Need confirmation or response”
6. choose “Press N” to “Leave a Message”. This should allow people to leave you a message.
When all is done, save the message; then select Broadcast > Select Message… from the program main menu. Select the newly designed message for your call list. Start the broadcast. If a customer leaves you a message, you will see a “Record” link in the status column. Simply click on the link, you should hear the voice message.
Also, here is an article to setup auto dialer opt out feature