Dear Supportive Team, I wanna use your Voicent Auto-reminder for making and scheduling appointment. C# code you provided is very useful. Problem:1 But When i use that with skype account to a given number call is repeatedly processing after i stop running the application….What i have to do for that.
When a call is scheduled with the gateway, it will try to cal at the specified time. It is possible if the call is not successful, such as line busy or no answer. The gateway will try to call again based on the retry time specified. For developers, it is very helpful to take a look at the log files of the gateway. Even though you do not have to understand all the information there, but you can search for “error”, or “fail” to see what goes wrong. There log files are under:
C:\Program Files\Voicent\gateway\logs
and the scheduler logs are under:
C:\Program Files\Voicent\Gateway\outcall\logs
Problem:2 while the user press the required number and confirm the appointment how can i update my database details.. Please help me
The C# example you see is probably for the gateway simple call interface. In this interface, the calls are submitted to the gateway. What you could do is submit calls to AutoReminder, which has a command line and web interface and it is relatively easy to use. For example, to setup confirmation, you can use the AutoReminder Message Designer to set it up, and after you submit the call, query the AutoReminder interface for the confirmation code.
The AutoReminder Web Interface can be accessed using C#. We do not have sample for it, but it should be similar to the gateway sample. What you can do is take a look at the C# example, replace the submission URL, replaces the parameters, and you should be able to use C# for this interface.
Normally, the application interface (AutoReminder interface) should be able to accomplish most tasks. However, if you need even more customization, you can use the gateway interface. To get started with the gateway interface, please take a look at the gateway tutorial and gateway outbound call tutorial.