Appointment reminder with C#

Dear Supportive Team, I wanna use your Voicent Auto-reminder for making and scheduling appointment. C# code you provided is very useful. Problem:1 But When i use that with skype account to a given number call is repeatedly processing after i stop running the application….What i have to do for that.

When a call is scheduled with the gateway, it will try to cal at the specified time. It is possible if the call is not successful, such as line busy or no answer. The gateway will try to call again based on the retry time specified. For developers, it is very helpful to take a look at the log files of the gateway. Even though you do not have to understand all the information there, but you can search for “error”, or “fail” to see what goes wrong. There log files are under:

C:\Program Files\Voicent\gateway\logs

and the scheduler logs are under:

C:\Program Files\Voicent\Gateway\outcall\logs

Problem:2 while the user press the required number and confirm the appointment how can i update my database details.. Please help me

The C# example you see is probably for the gateway simple call interface. In this interface, the calls are submitted to the gateway. What you could do is submit calls to AutoReminder, which has a command line and web interface and it is relatively easy to use. For example, to setup confirmation, you can use the AutoReminder Message Designer to set it up, and after you submit the call, query the AutoReminder interface for the confirmation code.

The AutoReminder Web Interface can be accessed using C#. We do not have sample for it, but it should be similar to the gateway sample. What you can do is take a look at the C# example, replace the submission URL, replaces the parameters, and you should be able to use C# for this interface.

Normally, the application interface (AutoReminder interface) should be able to accomplish most tasks. However, if you need even more customization, you can use the gateway interface. To get started with the gateway interface, please take a look at the gateway tutorial and gateway outbound call tutorial.

Posted in Appointment Reminder, Developer |

Fast call transfer for auto dialer

Dear support, we are experencing problems with call transfers, once the client press 0 to connect, it takes more than 3 seconds to connect to a live person. please advice what to do. We are currently using

There are two call transfer modes: one is transfer to a phone, and the other is transfer to a computer.

Transfer to phone is relatively slow. This is because the system must actually call the number as if you are manually dialing a number. Your phone service, in this case SkypeConnect, will have to call the specified phone number, start ring the phone, and then connect the call to your client. This whole process is not under the control of Voicent software. If you must transfer call to a phone, then you can inform your client that the call transfer may take a few seconds, and ask them do not hang up during the silence.

Transfer to computer is fast. This is because the connect is done through the network and is immediate. It will still ring the computer (playing audio ring over the computer speaker), but since there is no actually dialing for a phone, it is much faster. To enable a computer to receive the call transfer, you must install on the receiving computer Voicent RemoteAgent software, which is a free software included the installation package. The drawback is that someone must sit in front of the computer to answer the call.

I have already downloaded and installed the RemoteAgent software. Now it is asking me agent name and password. How do I activate?

You can type in any agent name you wish. It is used by the gateway to tell which one answered the phone. You do not need password by default.

Also to activate call transfer to use RemtoeAgent, please do the following two things:

1. Gateway > Setup > Options > Call Transfer tab, choose “Transfer call to computer’, and

2. In the same tab, select “Do not show popup screen on this computer”. By choose this option, the gateway will not start a default and invisible RemoteAgent. You can then login usin the installed RemoteAgent Program.

Posted in Auto Dialer, Installation |

E1 ISDN PRI for dialer

Can we use E1 ISDN PRI line for making out bound dialing. If yes then I would like to have more details on the same

Yes, you should be able to (though not directly). The connect to the E1 IDSN PRI line must be set up using a PBX system, and Voicent software configured to use the PBX system’s IP extensions. Most of today’s PBX systems, such as Asterisk, Avaya, and Cisco, should support these IP extensions. These extensions are also called SIP extensions. Once configured, Voicent software should act as a set of SIP softphones. The connection between Voicent software and the PBX is through the regular data network (ethernet) connections. The PBX then connects the call to your phone service through the E1 line.

Posted in Agent Dialer, Auto Dialer, Gateway, Installation |