Hello, I want to buy Broadcast By Phone Autodialer – Professional Edition, and I have a questions about this product, becouse I live in Poland, and we are talking in Polish language. I want to have a Fully Automated dialing program with option to play my message (I can record this message before). I want to have yet Interactive touch tone response (press 1 to option 1, press 2 to option 2, …) but this message (press 1 to…,…) must be in Polish language. I can record this message to mp3 and put in mp3 catalog of Voicent software. I try to do this with shareware version, but program do not work.
Is it possible to play all the Voicent messages in Polish language? (ex. “press 1 to transfer call to office, press 2 to record your message, press 3 to play again this information, press 4 to delete your number from our database”) How it is possible? Program have a Polish files with this messages? (press 1 to …, press 2 to …, …)
Yes, you can play all message in polish. Actually to the Voicent program, it does not know which language it is playing, all it knows is that it is playing an audio file. The audio file cannot be mp3 file, it must be a Windows .wav file, using format PCM 8KHz, 16 bit, mono. The prompt for people to “press 1 to …” is thus not part of the system, but part of your message.
When you use Message Designer to design the message, and if you choose, for example, press 1 or confirm, the system simply plays whatever message you have, in whatever the language, and waiting for a touch tone key. If it is 1, then it confirms it. The system does not care what kind of prompt (audio file) it has played.
The system does play a message after the touch tone key is pressed. The message is in English and it will say “thank you and goodbye”. To change this, and to customized further (such as multiple questions and interaction levels, connect to website) your call message, you must use Voicent IVR Studio.
Are you have a money back guarante (ex. one week)? becouse I must test the software in polish language. Shareware version doesn’t have option to record messages like “press 1 to…, press 2 to …”
No, you should be able to use the shareware edition to test all the above mentioned features. You may see a warning about using Message Designer in shareware edition, it is just a warning about it will play some trial message for the call, you can ignore the warning and continue. If you cannot use the shareware edition to test some feature, we do offer a test license from time to time. But it is very rare that a feature cannot be tested using the shareware editon.