Nursing home call application

Hello, I’m looking at BroadcastByPhone for a nursing home application. I believe it will very simply do everything our customer needs it to do, with only one question. Regarding call-til-confirm, can the system generate a call (or email) to a staff member if there is no answer on one number after say, three attempts? The customer’s staff isn’t always in one place, so it would be nice to have this functionality, instead of having to check a report manually.

There is no option that can be set for this purpose. However, BroadcastByPhone program has customization features that can be used for this purpose. You may need to have some programming knowledge for this purpose. The following are suggested implementation:

Use the command line option (available in the Enterprise Edition), -statusexe prog, to invoke a batch program or script prog to make another call or send an email. After a call is made, the program is invoked automatically by BroadcastByPhone program with parameters (-Dname=value) of all the values in the spreadsheet row that corresponds to the call, plus the following:

index: row index in the spreadsheet
caller: defined in the command line
calltime: time of the call defined as seconds from Jan 1, 1970
callduration: total seconds of the call

For example, if the program is called myprog.bat, after a call for row 12 is made, it will be invoked as:

myprog.bat -Dname="John" -Dphone="1234567" -Dstatus="call made" -Dindex=12 ...

Inside the script, you can decide whethter to send an email based on the call status.

There is a similar command line options called -statusurl url, which is to post to an url after a call is made.

Posted in Auto Dialer, Developer |

Setting up wake up calling service

Hi, I want to set up a wake up calling service for my customers and I’ve set up AutoReminder as advised in the help guide. However, I have a few questions: When AutoReminder dials out and the phone is picked up, it takes quite a few seconds before the software starts playing a message – can this be adjusted? (I’m using Skype, would using a phone modem be any different?) Also is it possible to customise the call message to just say “This is your xxxx o’clock wake up call” instead of an appointment reminder? Thanks, your help is most appreciated. I’m trialing your software at the moment and I think it does everything that I’m looking for.

The issue with Skype is that the skype instance may not transfer audio to Voicent program immediately, so Voicent program may miss the first “hello” in some cases, causing a few seconds delay. To setup a service, we recommend you use SIP based VOIP services for making phone calls. There are two major advantages: 1). it offers the shortest initial delays, and 2) it offers scalability. We do not recommend modem for setting up a service. First, it only works on Windows XP, and second, it is hard to scale up – the number of lines is limited by the number of PCI slots on a computer.

The normal initial delay is about 2-3 seconds. The sytem normally plays the message after says “hello”, or the second “hello”.

You can change the auto reminder message by using the built-in message designer. For details, please see the product walkthrough (under the program Help menu). For setting up a wake up call service, you may need more advanced features for the call application, in that case, check out Voicent IVR Studio, which is a graphical tool for creating almost all interactive voice applications. The tool is fully integrated with AutoReminder, and has built-in interface for database, email, web, and external programs.

Posted in Appointment Reminder, Developer |

Scale up appointment reminder

I am looking for information regarding the use of AutoReminder in an enterprise environment. Basically I need to know how large an AutoReminder installation can scale to in regards to number of calls processed, number off appointments stored, etc. I understand that this is partially dependent on how many SIP trunks are assigned and licensed but need to know if there are any practical upper limits.

In terms of call capacity, you can scale up to 100 lines for a computer. Normally you can make one call per minute per line. So with a 100 line system, you can make 60,000 phone calls per day for 10 hours per day. If you need more, you can add more computers to your dialing farm. The enterprise edition of AutoReminder is capable of utilizing multiple dialing computers.

Appointments are stored as two file, one file for reminder call on the gateway and one for appointment info. Once the call is made, the reminder call file on the gateway will be removed. So the capacity for appointments should be only limited to the file capacity on Windows system. For practical purpose, you do not have to worry about scaling up appointments.

Posted in Appointment Reminder |