Auto dialer in different language

I want to use yours system – BroadcastByPhone in Poland. and I have technical questions:

1. Is the files in directory
C:\\Program Files\\Voicent\\Gateway\\webapps\\ROOT\\audio
are related to the program, or I have possibility to record my voice messages in polish language?

All files in this folder are related to the program. You could replace them with your recordings in polish language. However, please make sure you make a copy of your recordings. If you download and install a new version, these files will be overwritten.

2. I want to use option with: Interactive touch tone response (press 1, press 2, etc options) Can I have this message in Polish language: “press 1 to something, press 2 to something”

Yes. The system does not provide these prompts. They are part of your recordings.

Posted in Auto Dialer |

Add more line to auto dialer

I purchased a license for an additional line today. I changed my sip account to two lines, but it is still only calling one number at a time. What am I doing wrong?

Please open Voicent Gateway > setup > options > SIP tab, and edit your SIP account info, make sure “Use this account for x lines” is set to 2. Once you click OK to save the settings, the gateway should restart. On the gateway main window it should show the total number of lines started by the gateway.

Also remember to restart the Broadcast By Phone auto dialer program.

Posted in Auto Dialer |

Dialer for CRM and Order System

Do you have dialers which we can intergrate in our php developed CRM system and order process system ?

Yes, both Voicent Broadcast By Phone (auto dialer) and Voicent Agent Dialer (predictive dialer) have command line interface you can use to integration with your CRM and order processing system. For details of the command line interface, please install the products and take a look at the Help Topics (Product main menu > Help > Help Topics) of the product.

Both products also allow you to specify a callback function when a call is completed. With the callback function, you can easily update your CRM or order system for the call status and other call info. This callback can be specified as an executable program or as an HTTP form handler. If you use predictive dialing, you can also specify when a call is transferred to an agent, and based on the event (call transferring, call answered, call hang up etc) to call your handler function.

It should be straightforward to integrate Voicent software with your CRM. You can also take a look at an open source project for SugarCRM and Voicent integration. You can download the source code on SugarExchange.

Posted in Developer |