BroadcastByPhone – Do not call feature

I would love a way for the do not call opt out option to automatically keep itself tracked with an inhouse list, do u guys provide that??

Since release 8.5.3 we have implemented a seamless experience for anyone using our BroadcastByPhone. Now you can give the people you are calling automatic access to an in-house do not call list. One of the annoying things that occurred previously was having to manually scrub the list for people who have opt out and to keep that in-house do not call list up to date.

Now, you can easily press 1 in a message to Opt Out, and that will update our Call Center CRM to show they have Opt’d Out. Here is a YouTube Tutorial on setting it up.
BroadcastByPhone – Do Not Call Tutorial

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BroadcastByPhone Command Line Keeps Prompting me to Save As

If you are using BroadcastByPhone command line import, some problems that you may experience could be the BroadcastByPhone prompting you to save the .voc file. This happens if the location of the imported .voc is in a read-only location. An example of read-only locations are program files, and in some cases the root of the C\D drive. Simply move your .voc file to a write-able location and it should solve the “Save As” prompt problem.

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Automatic Long Distance Access Codes

I am evaluating your product for purchase to use for an appointment reminder system. Our telephone system requires callers to input a Long Distance access code in response to a tone prompt before the long distance call will complete.
I’m looking at an article from Feb. 8, 2010 in your support center related to this topic, but can’t figure out how to implement the suggested solution.
The article says to use IVR Studio to create a TTS prompt to send the DTMF tones for the access code.
But I can’t see how you set up the call sequence. If I try to create a new Outbound call process, it automatically puts in the “live answer” and “answering machine” objects. How do I tell it to simply use the TTS prompt I created as soon as the access code tone sounds after the phone number is dialed?

If your phone system is pretty old, you can try to use Voicent software with a VOIP phone service. For example, if you use Skype Connect, it allows you to setup caller ID for your phone calls. So you can set it to your current phone number, and there is no difference when customers receive the reminder call.

If you have to use your current phone system, you can then use a Cisco SPA 3012 to connect to its analog line. You can then setup the SPA 3102′s dial plan to enter the long distance code. You can have the rules to enter the long distance code, and add some delays, and then dial the actual number. Here is the link to Cisco’s SPA 3102 support page:

For your case specifically if you had to dial 1758 first, wait a few seconds, then dial the actual number. This plan would work for you.

(<:1758 ,,,>xxxxxxxxxxx)

Where , is the delay, and the xxxxxxxxxxxis the actual number being dialed.

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