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Appointment reminder call detection settings

With regards to it interpreting ‘pick ups’ from people vs answering machines we note that sometimes even when it is a human answering, the call recording seems to start ‘early’, such that when a person answers, they are only hearing the middle to the end of the message. Our current settings are ‘aggressive’, with a 30 second force message play.

We have tried ‘balanced’ but found that. at that setting, the software didn’t always detect a human well, even after call pickup and the person answering the phone would only hear dead air. Even under ‘aggressive’ we are getting more occurrences of this issue than is desirable. Any assistance would be appreciated.

In general, if you need to detect answering machine and human pickup, you should choose ‘balanced’. For the agreessive mode, the software will try to play the message as early as possible, that usually means as soon as it has detected human voice. The aggressive mode should only be used in special settings, for example, if almost all the calls are to businesses during office hours.

You probably have checked out the KB article regarding answering machine vs human pickup detection.

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