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“Access Denied” Error Message

I’ve downloaded Release Version 7.1.1 and installed it and the gateway. Then I installed Broadcastbyphone, once that button became clickable. When I click on Broadcastbyphone to run the program a message box comes up that says “access denied”, and once you click to acknowledge the message, the program closes. How do I use the “shareware version” that I see advertised? Where is it located on the website? Is it the default version of an install or something separate? I just want to test it out before we buy it, even if there is a Vocient advertisement with the calls.

The error is likely related to your firewall settings. Please select Help > Troubleshooting .. for more information.

Thank you for your reply. I checked my firewall settings and “Voicent Gateway Telephony Engine” was checked by default. But, you leading me to check Window’s Settings got me thinking. And I remembered a “run as administrator” option that gave me trouble with installs before on Vista. So, I tried that and alternate clicked on the Broadcastbyphone icon and hit “run as administrator”, that was the culprit. Then everything loaded with no errors. I was able to setup a “.voc” calling list and a new message designer just like the video tutorials. So, I’m just writing back, in case someone else has this error on Vista, you can let them know another possible culprit in addition to firewall settings.

Thank you so much for sharing this information with us. Really appreciated.

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