Looking for a tool what will allow us to make automated calls to patients to remind them of upcoming appointments. We currently use eClinicalWorks at our office which has the appointment information. If we implement your product, what additional hardware will we need to be able to have the product call out? Do we need a modem on the system? We have a NEC DSX-80 phone system will it integrate?
For Voicent software to make or receive calls, you have several choices.
The first choice is to use one of the many available internet/VOIP phone services. This option is the easiest and requires no additional hardware. You can try Skype Connect, a standard based service specifically for businesses. One advantage of Skype Connect service is that it allows you to set the Caller ID to your business phone number.
The second choice is to add VOIP capabilities to your existing NEC DSX-80 system. According to NEC’s web site info, you’ll need to purchase and install a VOIPDB in your system. Once your NEC system is VOIP capable, you can configure Voicent software to use it. For more details please see Set up Voicent to use your PBX system.
The third choice is to use a voice modem and an analog phone line. This is kind of a legacy configuration. You must install Voicent software on a Windows XP computer, and the computer must have a PCI slot available for the modem card. For more information about voice modem, please see voice modem FAQ.
To see which choice is best for you, you can simply download Voicent software and give it a try.