How can I enable verbose logging for the gateway? Are there a setting in the web.xml or configuration files to enable detailed logging? We’re testing a newly deployed gateway with two lines and we’re having problems. We’re using a dynamically created `vxml script : we’re seeing that the Voicent engine appears to stop processing the DTMF signals –the values entered are logged via the log files, though no further processing is performed on the values entered. Sometimes the DTMF signals will be continue to be logged, that is the call remains open and I can enter values on the phone keypad which are being logged by the gateway. Our script is good because it is operational on our development computer running a single line gateway which was installed earlier in the year. Both gateways are v 7.6.5. We’d like to fully interrogate the error logs to see what may be happening.
The current logging is pretty extensive, so for debugging your own VoiceXML scripts, it should be enough. You just need to know what to look for and where. Here are tips for debugging your VXML apps by checking the log files. The main gateway logs are usually under C:/Program Files/Voicent/Gateway/logs.
The output.log is the main application log. From there you should see the important Vxml interactions.
First, take a look at this line n, where n is the line number (1, 2,..):
(Line n) Start interprepter context for line n
This is the beginning of the call and the initial vxml file is accessed.
From then on, you should see many log entries for line n like this:
Exec form item: yyy
Context: http://localhost:8155/ocall/callstartwrapper?line=n
URL: http://localhost:8155/ocall/callstart
These entries correspond to the VoiceXML <submit> tag. The URL listed above is the submit target.
The other interactions should also started with (Line n), for example:
(Line n) SPEAK:
Use Text-to-Speech to say the text
(Line n) PLAY LOCAL:
Play a local audio file
(Line n) Set-Grammar:
Set the gateway to wait for touch tone response or speech command
(Line n) RESPONSE:
Response from the telephone line, such as a touch tone key
Disconnect the line
You should also see errors in this log file if there is anything wrong with the VXML file.
The whole telephone call is directed by your VXML application. In particular, take a look at the when the touch tone is logged, is it before or after the “Set-Grammar”. If it is before, then the gateway is not ready or expect touch tone responses. Then you can go back and check under with submit context the VXML file is running.
Other Log Files
This is the telephone line’s log. If you are debugging your VoiceXML app, this is not that important. But for line or VOIP service issues, this is the log file to check.
Also, as this new installation supports two lines, when we send out two calls, we’re not getting both calls sent out at the same time. Both calls are being sent to the gateway as evidenced when the gateway is shutdown, both calls are scheduled. We’re using CallCentric and we have the multiple calls setting enabled. Two calls submitted to the gateway should transmit concurrently, correct? Why would they not go at simultaneously. Thank you,
Yes, it should be making 2 simultaneous calls. Check your gateway SIP settings for CallCentric and make sure you specify to start it with 2 lines. In addition, your license key must support 2 lines.