Use multiple SIP accounts

I have tested with the Voicent SDk provided in c# for a simple call interface.Can you please help me how to use multiple SIP accounts for calling list of numbers at a time using SDK.

Actually, you do not have to do anything special from the C# interface. The gateway has a built-in scheduler and will automatically choose an available line for outbound calls. If you submit more call requests to the gateway, it will queue the calls.

To set up multiple SIP account, open gateway main window, select Setup > Options > SIP tab, click the Add button to add SIP account. You can add as many account as you wish. The total number of lines that can be started is determined by the lines you purchased. For shareware, you can start up to 10 lines.

Posted in Developer, VOIP |

How do I make more simultanious calls

I would like to know how I can make more simultanious calls using Voicent?

Voicent software is capable of making as many simultanious call as your hardware will allow. We have call centers with several hundred Agents operating large servers, as well as individuals and small businesses with a single pc. It is often nessacary for Voicent users to add more lines to keep up with growing business demands.

To add more lines:

  • First check with your VoIP service provider about how many lines/channels you currently have, and are capable of using. If you have a 4 line Voicent software, you need 4 channels from your VoIP service provider. Additional channels are needed if you are using BroadcastByPhone and wish to transfer calls to a telephone (instead of transfer to an agent’s computer). For each transferred call, you will need two channels for this call. So if you want to broadcast using 4 channels and allow 4 transfers simultaniously, you will require 8 channels from your VoIP provider. Make sure that you have purchased enough lines/channels for your desired setup.
  • Next make sure that your Voicent license allows for use of more lines. This information is available on the Voicent Gateway main window under ‘Status’ you will see ‘Voice Lines # Licensed’. If your purchased a Voicent license that if for a 4 line system, for example, you can use at most 4 simultaneous calls. To purchase additional lines, please visit Voicent online store, and check upgrade pricing for the product you are using.
  • Make sure you get a new Voicent license key after you have purchased additonal lines. Open the Voicent program and select Help > Request Product License… from the program main menu. The program should automatically open your web browser. Fill in the required information in the web form and click submit. Your order ID is available from your email receipt. Make sure you have selected the correct number of lines.
  • Open Voicent Gateway, select Setup > Options > SIP tab, select the SIP account listed in the box, click the Edit button. In the bottom of the window, enter the correct number of lines. Click OK

Next time you start your program and broadcast, Voicent should make more simultaneous calls.

Posted in Agent Dialer, Auto Dialer, VOIP |

Voicent Command Line for Dummies

I was wondering how to use Voicent’s command line interface. I am new to this and dont know much about DOS.

To use Voicent from the command line:

  • First open the command prompt. To do this, type: cmd.exe into the Start Menu search bar.
  • To go to the voicent folder Type: cd C:\Program Files\Voicent and press enter. 64 bit machines will use Program Files(x86)
  • Type: dir to view the contents of the folder.
  • Choose the product you wish to use and change directory to that folder. ex: cd AgentDialer
  • Go into the bin folder by typing: cd bin
  • Type: dir to view this folder.
  • Type the desired exe name. ex: adialer.exe
  • Agent Dialer will open.

There are optional flags that may be used while opening a file. Some common flags are:

  • -pd    run predictive dialing
  • -dial    run semi automatic dialing
  • -statusurl    post to this url after a call is finished.
  • -statusexe    launch a program or script after a call is finished
  • -caller    caller identifier. Used with statusurl callback
  • -phoneno    phone number to call
  • -name    name to call
  • -startfromrow    broadcast start from row, default is 0, used with -startnow
  • -maxlines    use maximum number of lines for the broadcast
  • -import    import a CSV file
  • -export    export to a CSV file
  • -cleanstatus    confirmation and status columns are cleaned before broadcast
  • -noexit    keep program up after broadcast
  • Here are some different command lines and what they do: (be sure to replace any bold information with your own)

    To open an existing aoc in agent dialer try:
    adialer.exe "C:\Users\YourUserName\Documents\YourCampaign.aoc"

    To import an existing .csv file try:
    adialer.exe -import "C:\Users\YourUserName\Documents\YourData.csv"

    If your data has more than the standard three columns, you will need to save a blank .aoc file with the columns pre setup in the order that you need them. Then try:
    adialer.exe -import "C:\Users\YourUserName\Documents\YourData.csv" "C:\Users\YourUserName\Documents\YourCampaign.aoc"

Note that these are default locations. aoc, voc, csv files may be stored anywhere the user desires.

Posted in General |