TAPI software in C#

I need TAPI that can dial a number and transfer the call to a live person if someone answers on the other line. I also need the IVR to be able to recognize a busy or disconnected line. All of this has to be programmable through C# on the .net platform. Is this possible using your software?

Yes, actually almost all the work has been done in the Voicent Agent Dialer software. All you need to do is issue a command to launch Voicent’s BroadcastByPhone program through C#. By using Voicent software, you do not need to program in TAPI at all.

Download the software and give it a try. For command line options, select the program Help menu > Help Topics.

For more advanced programming capabilities, you can take a look at Voicent IVR Studio; For lower level programming, take a look at Voicent Gateway.

I need to integrate my company’s proprietary software with your Gateway application. I know you have HTTP/XML protocol but what I really need and want is a C# API. I know you have the C# sample interface but that’s not extensive enough for our needs). Do you provide such a library for developers to use?

The provided C# example is just a simple wrapper of Voicent’s HTTP/voicexml protocol. If you want to create more interactive applications, it is better to take a look at Voicent gateway’s tutorial on how to use voicexml to create interactive call applications.

Think of VoiceXML as HTML, and Voicent gateway as web server. You can create dynamic web site using C# by creating HTML files dynamically and submit the HTML file to the web server. The rest is handled by the web server. The same is true for VoiceXML files. You can use C# to create dynamic call applications in VoiceXML, and let Voicent Gateway to take care of the calling.

Posted in Developer, Gateway |

ISDN30 for dialers

In the UK we can get ISDN30 cards for PCs. The ISDN30 is similar to T1 but with 30 channels. Can the application dial 30 calls at the same time.

Yes, Voicent software can dial simultaneous calls. Actually the number of simultaneous calls is only limited by hardware and bandwidth. Our call center customers routinely use more than 30 lines for calls.

Voicent software will not directly use the ISDN30 cards. But you should be able to setup a PBX system, such as the free Asterisk PBX, to use these 30 lines. You can then create SIP extensions for the PBX. Once you have these extension setup, you can configure Voicent software to use these extension to make calls.

Posted in Installation, VOIP |

Include Images in HTML email

If you use BroadcastByEmail version 4.x, you should be able to send HTML emails that include images. The following are the steps:

1. Design your HTML email content as usual

2. Make sure all the images and the HTML file are saved in the same folder

3. [optional] Verify your HTML img tag

If you are using a HTML editing tool, you should check the HTML source. Look for the >img> tag, and the src= attribute refer to the image files only. For example, if you use image file abc.jpg, if you see <img src="../images/abc.jpg"> , change it to <img src="abc.jpg">

4. Add email template by select Broadcast > Select Message from the program main menu. From the dialog window, choose your HTML file, and make sure all referred image files are specified in the Attachment

If you have a web site, you may also consider the following method to send HTML email with images. (This method can reduce your email size)

If you have older version of BroadcastByEmail, attachment is not support, so you cannot send your HTML email with images. But if you have a website, you can put all the images on your website, and from the HTML files, refer the image source to the ones on the website. So when the HTML email is sent, the images will be grabed from the website.

Posted in BroadcastByEmail |