24 Line Auto Dialer Hardware Requirements

Im installing a 24 line version of broadcast by phone. What are the recommended requirements for hardware? Any estimated requirements per line?

Depending on whether the calls are to be transferred or not, the potential line usage could be 24 lines to 48 lines. Each transfered call should be counted as 2 lines.

Bandwidth Requirements: 128 Kbps per line for both upstream and downstream

CPU cores: 4 cores minimum for a 24 line system. We recommend you get duel processors and each with quad core. It is important to get more CPU power since the voice detection has to be done in real time.

Memory: 6G should be enough.

For more information please see system requirements.

Posted in Auto Dialer |

Different caller ID for different area code

Is there a way to tell the gateway which SIP accounts to use for which appointments, we find that if you make the caller ID show a number specific to the area code it is much more likely to get an answer versus going to voicemail.

Not with one gateway. But you can achieve that by using multiple gateways.

You can specify the accepted area code in the gateway options (gateway > setup > options > Control tab > Scheduler preference). You can specify which area code of calls the gateway should accept or exclude. Voicent programs (BroadcastByPhone, AgentDialer, or AutoReminder), once connected to these gateways, will automatically schedule calls according to the area code preference.

Can you run multiple gateways on a single PC? And how does the licensing work with that? I currently have 1 license with 3 lines could I run 3 gateways with 1 line on each?

No, you cannot run multiple gateways on a single PC. For licensing, you have to have 3 separate software licenses for 3 PCs, each with Enterprise Edition.

Posted in General |

Appointment reminder for GE Centricity

we use GE Centricity for our medical practice scheduling. Can your software interface with this?

Yes! We offer multiple levels of integration, from importing & exporting to complete automation.

Complete Automation
Voicent software contains an open programming interface, both command line and web interface, for any software to interface with us. Since you use GE Centricity for scheduling and use Voicent AutoReminder for appointment reminder calls, to achieve seamless operation, the best place to initiate the integration is from GE Centricity.

For example, when you make a new appointment in GE Centricity, it can call Voicent open API to schedule a reminder call with Voicent AutoReminder automatically. This can be done without any user intervention. So your first option is to have GE Centricity to interface with Voicent. If they need help, we’ll be glad to provide more information.

Import & Export
If you cannot get them to work on the integration, your second choice is to see if GE Centricity can export appointments to a text file. If it does, that means you can import the appointments to Voicent AutoReminder program. We do have some customers using this approach. You can do daily import and export and let AutoReminder to make all the calls for you automatically.

If you choose this approach, please send us a sample exported appointment file, so our support engineer can take a look at the import file format. We can tell you whether it can be directly imported or needs a conversion program for the import.

Posted in Appointment Reminder |