I have a client that has already purchased Broadcast by Phone from you. He’d like to implement it with his web site to make automated calls to roughly 300,000 shops on a regular basis. I’ve contacted Skype and CallCentric, and neither of them seem to be able to handle this volume. Do you have any recommendations of what company I can use for the phone part of this? I haven’t implemented anything like this on a site yet, so any info you could provide (company or hardware recommendations) would be greatly appreciated.
Both of them should have solution for you. You may be looking for the wrong products.
For Skype, you should take a look at Skype for Business
, which offers a program call Skype Connect, a SIP based service. Skype claims “Up to 300 monthly channel subscriptions can be bought per SIP Profile and you can have multiple SIP Profiles per device.” For setup help, please see Configure Voicent to Use SkypeConnect.
Callcentric also has callcentric business service.
In addition to the above two companies, you can also search online for “SIP trunk” services in your area.