SIP Error: 480 Temporarily Unavailable

I am getting a high number of calls that result in the following message: “Failed. No answer. SIP Error: 480 Temporarily Unavailable”. I do not see anything in the knowledgebase regarding this and I was hoping you could provide some insight as to what might be causing this. Thank you

For Voicent product, any error status marked as “SIP Error” is related to your VOIP service provider. For example, if Voicent program initiates a call, it will first send a SIP INVITE message to your VOIP service provider, if everything is OK, the software will receive SIP 200 OK message back from the VOIP service. Any other SIP message return indicates an error.

For the “temporarily unavailable” error, it is a condition from your VOIP service. It maybe caused by the service is running out of capacity temporarily. It may also be triggered by some limit, such as maximum calls to make in a second for a particular account. Different service providers have different treatment of errors.

You may also try to manually call the phone number. Some VOIP service or PBX system may not report error conditions accurately.

Depending on the exact cause of the error, your solution may vary. For example, you can try to add another VOIP account for different lines (from the same VOIP service or different one), or slow down the calling (by defining dialing intervals in Voicent gateway), or calling during less busy time, etc. Normally, your VOIP service can tell you the best solution.

Posted in Agent Dialer, Auto Dialer, VOIP |

Check Do-Not-Call List with different area code

Question about do not call list. i’m confused by the tab default area code for 7 digit numbers. Lets If I have a 1000 phone numbers in a list that are located in several states and numerous area codes. Can I just scrub this list once with the do not call list or do i have to separate list into separate area codes and scrub it multiple times?

The do not call list you downloaded from FTC contains phone numbers of 10 digit numbers, ie. include the area code. If your call list contains 7 digit phone numbers, then the software needs to know which area code it belongs to. This the when the software checks the default area code. So if your call list contains only 10 digit numbers, then you do not need to worry about the default area code; and you should be able to check the DNC list only once for all the area code. If all your 7 digit phone numbers are of the same area code, then you can still check the list only once. So in almost all cases, you need to run the DNC checking only once.

I just purchased a callcentric phone number. With this one number can I simultaneously make 4 phone calls? If I purchased 2 phone numbers could I would simultaneously make 8 calls?I like the software, very interesting.

To make simultaneous calls, you need to have:

1. Voicent product license for multiple lines, and
2. A VOIP account (or accounts) that support multiple channels, with each channel supports one Voicent line

For callcentric, if you get its unlimited calling plan, it supports 1 channel. You could use simultaneous calls but it will be billed as pay-per-call. You could with multiple callcentric accounts with Voicent software, or use VOIP accounts from different VOIP providers. For Voicent software, it needs one channel per line.

Posted in Agent Dialer, Auto Dialer, General |

Multiple Users or Columns for appointment scheduler

does auto reminder have multi appointment columns (for hairstylists)?

Yes, AutoReminder supports multiple calendar users. Once you setup different users, you can set the appointment background color, reminder message, for each. You can also use filters to see appointments for only one user, etc. There is also, “room” and “category” for appointments. You can download the software and give it a try.

just more questions ,does it display the multi users (i need 10 columns) on one page and when making voice call back for instance when the 10 users have a 9am client does the voice call support all calls at the same time? and last how much does this program cost and is it a one time payment and no reoccurring license fee. thanks ps. do you ship to canada and how much please

It could display appointments for all users on one page, and you can select a user filter such that only appointments for that user is shown. You can setup calls to people at the same time. If you use a single line system, the system will automatically queue the reminder calls and make it one by one.

The program is one time license fee. You are not required to pay monthly fees and you can use the software as long as you want. There is email support and upgrade contract you can get for a small fee, so you can keep your program uptodate. But that is optional.

Yes, we do ship to Canada. But if you choose to use VOIP service for your phone calls, you can just download the software. There is no hardware needed for using VOIP.

Posted in Appointment Reminder |