Multiple campains on one computer

We need to do four campaigns concurrently on one computer, each with its own message. Total volume will be a full T1 each 12 hour day. Does your software support this?

Yes. To Voicent programs, each campaign is just a simple Windows file that contains the call list and call message. To do four campaigns, just open four instances of Voicent auto dialer program and each load a different call list file.

It is also recommended to have enough call capacity (lines) for the four campaigns. For example, if you want to have 24 lines total, then it is better to launch each campaign to use 6 lines. You can do so by specify the number of lines to use in the Start Broadcast dialog window.

You can test the settings by download the software and give it a try.

Posted in Auto Dialer |

Call triggered by website form

I have a client looking for a solution. He wants his website visitor to complete a form. At the top of the form is a telephone icon. Visitor enters her number and press submit. The system will call the website owner (or popup in his browser) and then connect to the phone number given by the visitor.

This should be pretty easy to implement with Voicent Broadcast By Phone Auto Dialer. The software has a command line interface that can be used to launch the program. Also, depending on your client’s preference, there are two usage models you can choose from:

1. Call customer number first

Design a call message using the built-in Message Designer. Play a message such as “… now press 1 to connect to the web site owner”, and add a confirmation item “press 1″ to “call transfer”. Once the web form is submitted, launch Voicent BroadcastByPhone auto dialer from the command line. Supply the phone number and call message as command line options.

You could set the call transfer mode (gateway > Setup > Options > Call Transfer) to “transfer to phone number” or “transfer to computer using popup screen”. If it is set to transfer to phone, then enter the website owner’s phone number; if it is transfered to computer, then make sure the website owner is logged in using Voicent RemoteAgent software.

2. Call website owner first

Since the customer phone number is different each time, you cannot set that number in the gateway. So the transfer number must be provided to the call program dynamically (after the form is submitted each time). This requires you to use Voicent IVR Studio to design the call message. Use the call transfer element to specify the customer phone number. For more details of using IVR Studio, please take a look at the product walk through (IVR Studio Help menu > Product Walk through…). Since the website owner probably always want to talk to the customer, you can ignore the “press 1″ to transfer action and directly do a call transfer.

The launching of the program should be the same as usage 1.

3. Getting Started

The easiest way to get started is download the software and give it a try. It is easy to setup VOIP for the phone calls

Posted in Auto Dialer, Developer |

Video: Make Simultaneous Calls Using Voicent Auto Dialer and VOIP

Now Help Video is available: Make Simultaneous Calls Using Voicent Auto Dialer and VOIP. This is the continuation of the VOIP setup video for auto dialer and IVR.

Posted in Auto Dialer, VOIP |